《Future Release》

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I'm two-third there :D

Also no.

This has nothing to do with future force-



//"Let's have a buddyfight!

As much as you want to..

You couldn't buddyfight..

You couldn't see your cards nor your buddy..

Your buddy..

Who was he again?..

What should you do?..

Is this the end for you and buddyfighting?

Can you change your destiny with your own hands?

It's up to you to change the course of destiny.


Author's POV

Well.. most optimistic people look towards the future and not look back at the past.. but as the wounds bleed, ignoring them will never solve your problems..

Slience filled the room.

You could almost see the dust floating in the air, trying to settle down.

The bright blue sky got covered in dark stormy clouds.

And before you knew it, it was pouring heavily outside.

Yuga being Yuga stood there hoping you'd accept his challenge to a Buddyfight.

Dark shadows covered over your eyes as you felt something brush against your arm.

You peaked through your hair to see what is was but... there was nothing.

'There was nothing.'

That's what your mind tells you.. but your heart tells you other wise..

Darkness swirled within your mind.

Sharp pain pierced you heart a you looked down at the bedsheets.. There was an invisible being there. and you know it.

You felt it pawed against you.

You knew who it was..

Yet you don't..

"I guess..

I can only try..

Even though I can't see any of my cards..

Even though I can't see my buddy..

I can only tried...

Right, Yuga?"


You looked towards Yuga, mustering all you strength and resolve left to smile..

Tears started to fall..

But you couldn't control it..

You were confused.

Why were you crying?

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