Karma: Origin

235 6 13

( Last Time on buddyfight )


"She's gonna pay.."

"Not if I can help it.."

"Who are you..?"

Karma's POV

I stared at the young boy standing before me. He seemed maybe around me age or younger. Can't really tell though.. he's quite short- well at least shorter than me. And what's with the giant vortex-looking hair.

"Hey, I don't know what you want but mind your own business vortex boy!" I said giving him a glare.

"Well this is my business. If you dare to even lay a single finger on Y/n, .... I'll make you pay.."

The boy finally opened his eyes, revealing much more of him. Such intense aura... it felt familiar... too familiar.

"You're the one hiding in the trees, weren't you?" I asked.

"So you noticed..." The boy started slowly, "I'm only here to give you a warning. But if you even try to do anything to Y/n, I will make sure you'll regret it for the rest of life."

With that, the boy disappeared into the shadows. A smirk slowly creased across my face. Light Kurouzu huh? He sure is an interesting fellow... I'd like to face him in a match one day.. Shadow transformed out of his card and looked at me.

"Aren't you making to many enemies?" He asked.

"You can never have to many enemies..."

We looked at each other for a while before breaking the silence with laughter. Shadow... my one and only buddy. I really don't know want I'd do without him...

'A Phone Call Is Here! A Phone Call Is Here! Riiiing.. Riiing.. A Phone Call Is Here! A Phone Call Is Here! Rii-'


"Are you done with the task I gave you?" The voice spoke through the phone.

"Well I'm working on it-"

"I already told you how important this is- I don't have time for your excuses. All I told you was to get your hands on one card."

"Yeah Yeah. I would have gotten it if those protagonists didn't stick their noses in."

After that, I heard a sound of a flat line. Oh, how dare he hang up without saying a goodbye.
I sighed and thought: "How I get stuck working for this guy?" I can't believe that Y/n would have something so important! Y/n Ozora... I would have never guessed she could have been so strong...


5 Years ago...

I alighted the train and scanned my surroundings. There were much more people than I could have imagined.

This seems interesting..

My buddy, Shadow and I walked into the town hoping to get what we come here for. If you're wondering why we decided to come here? Well.. we were hoping we get to buddyfight with stronger players. The fighters in our home town can't even compete at our level of skill. Not even the adults. I heard that the fighters here are much stronger than the ones back in my hometown. But I doubt that the normal neighbourhood buddyfighters are really that strong.. But this is all I've got.. so might as well try... Well other than finding stronger players, there is something else I wanted to do here.. I walked in to the middle of town where there was huge crowds around the food stalls. I walked up to the notice board where I saw the poster I was looking for.

Light Kurouzu X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now