《Blank Past》

152 3 7

Almost there!

Also I actual wrote this first before <Future Release> :/

These are gonna be weird chapters..



//"Let's have a buddyfight!

As much as you want to..

You couldn't buddyfight..

You couldn't see your cards nor your buddy..

Your buddy..

Who was he again?..

What should you do?..

Is this the end for you and buddyfighting?

Can you change your destiny with your own hands?

It's up to you to change the course of destiny.//


Author's POV

So well.. There are many sayings that say not to dwell in the past but instead move forward to the future, but like most, your past has left a deep scar within your heart. Even if you don't feel it, it's still there bleeding over time as the more you ignore it the more the hurts when you tried to clean it up later...

You stared at the sky as the once peaceful blue horizon got enveloped by dark clouds and thunder boomed across the sky.

Yuga was standing eagerly to buddyfight you but you just stood up and left the room.

An invisible aura lowered its head as your were walking out. You stopped in your tracks and looked back, leaving Yuga confused.

Your hand about to open the door, you faced the hospital bed you were once on to see a visible dent on the side of the bed.

You could almost feel the invisible being lower its head.

A sharp pain pierce through you as sadness began overwhelming you. It wasn't from you though..

In your mind, darkness swirled in your head and the pain on your shoulders got heavier..

and heavier..

"Y/n.." A familiar but fuzzy voice echoed through your head.

You slammed opened the door and rushed out. The others outside were shocked as Yuga emerged from the room.

"What happened ?!" Light panicked.

"I-I just asked her for a buddyfight.."

Light would rush after her if it wasn't for someone who had grabbed his arm.

Light turned around and grunted.

"What are-"

"Let her go, Light.."


"I know how to feels to lose your sense of belonging.. She needs her time to find herself. "



Thunder crackled and the rain began to pour down.

Light Kurouzu X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now