Stolen Pieces

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(Y/n) woke up at two a.m. to the sound of a scream from the apartment next to theirs. "Shisui!" She shook him until he woke up.

"What?" He asked groggily, sitting upright.

"There was a scream next door. I'm going to go check it out."

"Wait, I'll come-"

"You can't see, Shisui."

"But what if-"

"I can't wait around. Stay here." And she left after grabbing her Tanto. He grabbed his own Tanto from his bedside table but he stayed in the room.

She walked out of her apartment, and into the next one, Tanto in-hand. "Is someone injured?" She asked. No answer.

She hesitantly opened the door to what she assumed to be the bedroom. She was right, seeing it was a bedroom.

But the occupants were dead.

Her eyes widened, and she ran back to her apartment, slamming the door open and running to their bedroom, not even paying any mind to anything else in the apartment.

She shot into the bedroom, "Shisui!" She shouted, but he wasn't there.

"What?" He asked from behind her, to which she nearly jumped out of her skin.

"You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry, I was thirsty. What happened?"

"The couple next door are dead..."

He stiffened, "Stay on your toes. If I had to guess, I'd say it was Danzo." Shisui said.

"You would be wrong."

"Shit! Itachi!" (Y/n) shouted, at first thinking that he was there because he was attacked, but when he stepped out of the shadows it was revealed that her assumption was wrong.

He was wearing his ANBU uniform, holding his katana that had blood running down to the tip, dropping onto the carpet. His Mangekyou shone back at her as he slowly stepped closer.

"What's going on?" Shisui demanded, stepping closer to where Itachis' voice sounded from, but (Y/n) grabbed his wrist to tell him not to. What made him stop was not just the death grip on his wrist, but the fact that her hand was shaking as she held onto it. "Someone explain this! I can't see!"

"Itachi...did you..." (Y/n) muttered. Shisui was beginning to catch on


There was silence for a moment as Shisui finished putting the pieces together.

"Why!?" Shisui shouted.

"They were going to go through with the coup. It would've caused a civil war."

"You mean...all of them...?" (Y/n) was frozen. She knew Itachi was stronger, and she assumed that he was here to kill them.

"My Mother!? What about Sasuke!? He's innocent!" Shisui shouted.

"Sasukes' alive. I'll leave him in your hands." He disappeared.


"He left us alive..." (Y/n) stated, still dumbfounded. "Akio is...he's an Uchiha..." At the realization, tears pooled in her eyes. "And your mother...and Mikoto..."

Broken pieces?

That was an understatement.

There were no pieces left.

That's what it felt like.

Someone not only broke their hearts but also stole the pieces.

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