Happy Birthday

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Name; (L/n) (Y/n)

Age; Seven

Personality; Bright and happy

Status; Academy Student

(Y/n) awoke, grinning ear to ear as soon as her feet touched the floor. Today was her birthday, and to top it off, Shisui was supposed to be back sometime today, which would be the best birthday gift after him being gone for a week, and not seeing him much since he became a Genin.

Seeing each other wasn't a common occurrence since he became a Genin, that was true, but it didn't deter their friendship. They had a strong bond, and that wasn't going to pull them apart...

...Even if she was a little jealous that he graduated before her...

But she was happy that he graduated, and knew he was deserving of it. Also, even if she was a little envious, she bore no ill will toward Shisui. He was incredibly talented, and she knew that. She respected him greatly, looked up to, and admired him.

He was the beginning of a strong Shinobi.

"Hello, (Y/n)-chan." Mikoto greeted, smiling. "You look very happy today. Did something happen?" Almost-three-year-old Itachi was holding her hand, looking curiously at (Y/n).

"It's my birthday!" The young girl chirped. 

"Really? Happy birthday!" Mikoto gave the girl a warm smile.

"Happy birthday." Itachi grinned.

"Thank you! I have to go! Kushina-sama wanted to see me, she said she had something for me! I hope it's food!" The girl giggled, and Mikoto laughed at the cute child in front of her.

"Okay. Bye, (Y/n)-chan."

(Y/n) ran off, toward Minato and Kushinas' home, smiling brightly the whole way. 

When (Y/n) got to their door, she stopped, bending over with her hands on her knees as she caught her breath. Before she knocked, the door swung open, revealing the grinning red-head that (Y/n) was looking for.

"I thought I heard footsteps on my porch." She laughed. "Happy birthday, (Y/n)!" She engulfed the girl in a hug. Once she released (Y/n), she pulled her into the Namikaze/Uzumaki household.

She was surprised to see Minato there himself. He was an important Jounin, and he got a lot of missions these days, so he wasn't usually around at this time of day.

"Happy birthday, (Y/n)-chan!" He grinned, kneeling, and holding his arms out, and she jumped into his arms.

"Thank you, Minato-sama!"

He pulled away from her, still smiling, "I can't stay long, but I wanted to be here long enough to give you this." He pulled a long box from the coffee table behind him. 

Her face lit up, taking the gift, "What is it?"

"Open it."

She tore the paper off of the outside, opening the box. Inside was a short sword, engraved with intricate markings and details. She stared at it in amazement.

"Well? Did I do good?" Minato asked, still smiling.

She grinned, placing the box down, "I love it! Thank you, Minato-sama!" She hugged him around the neck.

"You're welcome. Kushina has something for you too." He said, and she pulled away, and Kushina kneeled down beside Minato. 

"Mine goes with his. We coordinated." She handed the girl another box, and she wondered what it was.

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