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(Y/n) sat on the couch, her throat sore and dry, face tearstained, and hands shaking as she stared numbly at the window, but not paying any attention to what was beyond it.

See, Shisui was sent on a mission, and he was supposed to be back the morning before. It was six-thirty in the morning the next day.

(Y/n) was terrified. The storm didn't help to calm her nerves, either. The growling wind, followed by the harsh pitter-patter of the rain, and the loud clap of thunder adorned by a flash of lightning that flooded the room, causing her to flinch.

And although she had subconsciously taken notice of the storm, she couldn't bring herself to think about it. If she had looked, she would have seen the orange hue cast over the Uchiha compound, the buildings distorted by the large water droplets that ran down her window until the pace which the rain fell at sped back up and you could no longer see the buildings.

Where was Shisui?

Did something happen?

He's okay, right?

Itachi was with him, they must be fine.

What if they were both gone?

They are all she has, they can't be dead.


Just as she was beginning to hyperventilate, the door slid open, and in walked a panting Shisui, drenched, and cold. Before Shisui had time to breathe, (Y/n) had him in a hug, crying into the crook of his neck.

She couldn't explain how happy she was that he was okay, or how terrified it made her that he would go on more missions like this. They were both Jounin, former ANBU, there would be plenty more missions like this for both of them, and the idea made her stomach turn.

"I-I thou-ght..." Her voice cracked as she held onto him, trembling.

Just as she was trembling, so was he. He had to run so fast to have gotten back as quickly as he did, and he was so cold from the harsh weather outside, plus his nerves from everything that had happened during the mission.


"Don't ever do that to me again!" At her outburst, Shisui stiffened.

"I-I'm sorry to have worried you. There was a complica-" Shisui was cut off by her lips against his. He kissed back, just as passionately, sliding the door closed as he walked her toward their room, shedding clothes as they went.

Getting to the bedroom door- now only in undergarments -he picked her up by the thighs to clasp her legs around him as he carried her into their room. He lowered her onto the bed as their kiss broke, both of them panting. "Are you sure you want to...?"

In response, she nodded, her hand cupping his cheek gently. He leaned into the touch, his eyes not breaking contact with hers. "I want to...but I have no idea what I'm doing." She chuckled nervously.

"That makes two of us." He grinned sheepishly. "If you want to stop at any time, tell me." He gave her a kind smile before his lips made contact with hers again, gently this time, a soft, affectionate kiss that was slow and demonstrated exactly how he felt about her.

Shisui was a strong Shinobi... capable of killing, protecting, and fighting. He was known as one of the strongest Shinobi of his generation... but when he was with her, his senses went into overdrive.

He wanted to protect her, and he wanted to love her and be loved by her. To be there for her, and to grow old with her.

He melted for her. He cried for her, and smiled for, and lived for her. If he had to, he would die for her.

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