Bad Feeling

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Name; (L/n) (Y/n)

Age; Seventeen

Personality; Happier, still has nightmares, but happier.

Status; Shisuis' caretaker (Still Jounin, but not active.)

(Y/n) walked through the streets of Konoha, trying to come up with a way to spark a conversation with the blonde Uzumaki.

She did know he was a ramen lover, so she figured he was at Ichiraku since it was around lunchtime.

She looked up at the sky, 'How do I do this, Kushina-sama? were so good with kids, but the only kid that I'm ever around is Itachi...and he's acted like an adult since he was very young...and he's almost thirteen now...he just doesn't count...' She sighed.

She walked through the flaps of the little Ramen shop, and there sat seven-year-old Uzumaki Naruto. She smiled lightly.

'He has Minatos' hair, that's for sure...' (Y/n) sat down next to the kid, but she noticed he was almost done with his bowl. To her surprise, he ordered another. 'Kid can put it away...' She chuckled.

"What's so funny, lady?" He asked.

"You eat a lot, huh?"

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Nothing, you just remind me of an old friend, that's all."

"You're kinda weird, aren't ya'?"

"I suppose. What's your name, kid?"
He looked down at his hands. 'He must not want to say because he thinks I'll treat him differently...'
"You look like a kicked puppy. Don't worry, I already know who you are. I won't treat you any differently." His eyes snapped to her, shocked. "Teuchi, here, I'm paying for his ramen too." She handed him enough to cover hers and Narutos'. "I gotta go, but I'll see ya' round, kid." 

He stared after her as she left, but it only took a few minutes for him to run out after her. "Wait! Who are you, lady!?"

She turned toward him, "Oh, I'm (L- I'm (Y/n)." 

He caught up to her, "Where are you goin'?"

"Well, I was going to rescue my blind boyfriend from our younger friend."

"Can I come!?" He asked excitedly.

"Sure. You're strange though." She chuckled.

"Nah! I just like to rescue people! Are you a Ninja?"

"I am. So is my younger friend, and my boyfriend used to be."

"Used to be?"

"I said he's blind, remember?"

"Oh, right..." 

It didn't take long before they were in the Uchiha Compound, walking up the stairs to her apartment.

(Y/n) opened the door to see Itachi reading a book on her couch with Shisui passed out in the armchair. "Itachi, you're relieved from duty."

He snapped his book closed, very loudly, which woke Shisui up. He shot up straight, "What!? What happened!? Is it Danzo!?"

"You're fine, Shisui. Sit down." He sighed but didn't sit.

"Who's that guy?" Naruto asked, pointing at Itachi.

"That's Uchiha Itachi." She pointed to Shisui, "That's Uchiha Shisui. You two, this is Uzumaki Naruto." Itachi nodded, but Shisui was clearly surprised- this was the child of two people (Y/n) held very close to her heart.

"Nice to meet you, Naruto." Shisui greeted.

"Likewise...I thought we were going on a mission, though...this wasn't very cool." 

(Y/n) chuckled. "Well, I'll give you a mission, if you're looking for one."

His eyes lit up as he looked at her, "What is it!? What is it!?"

"You can escort Shisui and me around the village if you want to."

His expression dropped, "Why would I do that?"

"I have to help Shisui get around, so I can't fight so easily. What if a rogue slipped through the gate somehow? Those sentinels fall asleep on the job all of the time."

"They do?"

"Mhm. I personally know two of them, and at least one is willing to fall asleep while on duty." I fake-coughed, "Kotetsu..." Shisui grinned.

His grin returned, "I'll do it!"

It didn't surprise (Y/n) that she could talk the kid into hanging out with them.

But what did surprise her was when Itachi got up and hugged Shisui, then her, and left.

They were...well, they were baffled, to put it lightly.

Shisui looked past uneasy.

Terrified, actually.

"Shisui? ....What was that about?"

"I don't know...but it can't be good..." He sat back down, placing his head in his hands.

"Is it know what?"

"Yeah...and it's likely that he'll know what, by you know who..."

"Is it him, or us that'll know what?"

"I didn't think of it...but it's possible..."

"I don't understand! Why are you speaking in code!?" Naruto shouted.

"Adult things, Naruto. You should get home. It's getting late."

"LATE!? It's only two in the afternoon!"

"Here." She thrust some money into his hands, "You can go buy some more ramen for dinner if you let us talk..." He stuck his lip out but accepted the money.


"I'll see you tomorrow, Naruto."

"Yeah! See ya!" He ran out, shutting the apartment door behind him.

"He told me I was like an older brother...when he hugged me. (Y/n), I'm afraid he's planning to die..."

"Do you really think so?"

"I do. He treated this as a last goodbye. What else could he be doing? He's never hugged me, (Y/n). I can't even do anything about this." 

She sat down on the armrest of the chair he sat in, "Hey, we don't know what will happen. Itachi's strong. And we don't know if that's what's happening, anyway." 

"I guess...but I have a bad feeling, (Y/n)."

"Did you eat lunch?"

"No, but I'm not-"

"I'll fix you something."

He sighed. "Are you gonna shove it down my throat?"

"If I have to." 

"Fine, fine." 

She walked into the kitchen to fix him a late lunch/early dinner.


After dinner, (Y/n) and Shisui decided to lounge around on the couch, Shisuis' head in (Y/n)s' lap.

It was quiet as they thought about Itachis' strange behavior.

They stayed that way until evening, when (Y/n) pulled Shisui to bed.

Itachi hadn't told Shisui anything about the coup d'etat since he lost his eyes. 

He was afraid something was going to happen.

He was right, but it wasn't what he was expecting.

He had no idea that he'd be left broken in just hours. 

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