"I think somethings wrong with me."

"Why do you say that?" Chan questioned.

"I feel weird." "Looking at nabz and minghao together, I feel like...." j trailed off. "Maybe I don't like it?"

Chan laughed. "That doesn't mean anything's wrong with you chubz, I think it just means they're new feelings so you're not used to them yet."

J thought about it while she pulled out her AirPods giving one to chan and leaning on his shoulder. She had her eyes open but she wasn't completely there. That's why she didn't notice most of the members staring at her and Chan. Nabz noticed how intensely minghao was looking at J and it made her furious. Why does she get all the attention. She thought.

Finally they arrived at their destination and they were all more than happy to finally be off the bus. They stood in a circle while their teacher announced their cabin mates. The boys and girls were separated of course. There were 4 people to a cabin. Their coach was almost done with names and she finally came to J's name.

"J, bongsoon, hyeri and nabz." Coach called out.

'Great' J thought. Of course nabz is in my cabin. She sighed, still waiting for some sort of apology from her so called close friend.

"Now onto boys." The coach began again. "Bang chan, seungcheol, wonwoo and minghao."

"No you cannot change roommates. There are too many kids and it'll get complicated so just deal with them for the next three days. Oh and I forgot to mention there's another school who'll be joining us. When you're done unpacking come to the diner for announcement. The other school will also be there."

She finished off the list and they were shown to their cabins. They were surprisingly big. The bedding was big too. They were bunk beds but could fit up to two people. The boys and girls side weren't too far away from each other. A couple steps to say the least.

J arrived at the diner where she guessed they would be eating for the next couple of days and it was fairly crowded. There was a big group of people standing in one spot. When J made it to the front she found out why. They were all drooling over seventeen. Jun spotted her and patted the place next to him telling her to come sit down. As she sat down by jun and Dino she heard everyone get quite and start whispering.

Who is she?
Who does she think she is?
She can't just sit next to them like that.
She's not even pretty enough to sit with them.

She looked around to see the amount of people just standing there staring at her and she felt a little overwhelmed for a second. Dk noticed and told her not to look up at them too much, it helped a little. Chan came and sat down next to them. A little bit later nabz came in and stood at the foot of their table but there was no more room.

"Where am I supposed to sit?" Nabz crossed her arms.

No one said anything. J wanted to point to another table but she stopped herself. Nabz looked down at chan who was talking up a storm with coups.

"Channie, can I sit here?" Nabz asked. She meant in his seat.

"Uh sure." Chan was about to get up when J abruptly got up.

"You can sit in my seat." She offered. She starting walking away but jun grabbed her by her shirt pulling her back.

"Sit down." He commanded.

"It's okay, there's an empty seat over there and he's kinda cute anyway." J eyed minghao while finishing off her sentence, she stopped midway to look at chan before she began. "Sit here, don't follow me bang bang." She wanted him to finish his conversation with coups and coups knew exactly what she was doing so he just smiled and J disappeared behind the crowd.

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