Chapter 12

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So the day finally came. Walking to the bus the rain suddenly poured down, of course, stormy weather was a typical thing in Gotham, but with other things on his mind Jackson hadn't considered bringing the umbrella so in the mere seconds his clothes were all soaked up which he obviously took as a bad omen.

Earlier, that is before he stepped out a house, for or a second of two he considered that the family chauffeur could drive him there in their black Rolls Royce, but both him and Terry agreed that it would be a probably bad idea to give familiar people knowledge of probable location where the crime will take place and right now he slowly began regretting the decision.

The journey to the Narrows for Jackson felt bizarre, for a normal citizen it would be nothing out of the ordinary, but to him being crumbled up in such a small space with such differentiation of people could only be described only as strange.

Rubbing against strangers accidentally every time the bus fell time to time into the holes along the bumpy road of the poor district made the situation far more uncomfortable for the boy, but it was the only way to get to the destination.

As he got off he noticed a man, well more precisely a tramp, limping back and forth shakily. The sight splashed him with disgust, there was something strangely disturbing about how he mumbled drunkenly to himself and was not aware of the outside world, wandering aimlessly.

The murdering will suddenly become not such a foreign concept, after all, what good did such people make? The sight of them only frightened others, just the sight made his fists clench and his blood boil.

Suddenly the light tap on his shoulder broken him out of the short daydream and so they meet, it was no one else than his friend. The walk to the place they were meant to see with a man who would lead them to the actual destination was short, took them less than 5 minutes, but fairly complicated. Jackson soon lost the perception of how many times they turned around the corners or how many buildings they passed along the way.

The Gotham's uptown was a completely different place than the downtown, the people they passed starred at them threateningly, the thrash laid almost on every corner of the street and cement held cracks, leaks which sickly arranged into the gothic stained glass-like pattern.

Finally, they arrived much earlier than they anticipated, so they decided to wait right next to the marron colored wall which was covered by the thick layers of moss and grass which grew from almost every small crack in between bricks.

Every few seconds benumbed by anticipation Jackson checked his clock, the greenish digit wreath of numbers danced across the screen of electronic clock and seemed smeared through the stressful increased beating of his heart.

The place was alarmingly silent, not even the slightest murmur reached their ears. Finally, heavy footsteps bounced off the walls and drummed in Jackson's head, he froze and held his breath eventually slowly turning his neck in the direction of the sound.

,, C'mon follow me about one meter away, don't stare and act as if we don't know each other till we get to the boss" The big and heavy man muttered passing them by not even daring to exchange a single stare.

He and Terry were dumb folded for the moment, but then they obeyed and began walking as advised about one meter away from the muscly man. Jackson wanted to say something, he wanted to scream and question everything about the situation, but his throat seemed relentlessly dry.

They found themself - God knows how quickly that happened - in the yard between two buildings and going down few cracked steps their footsteps pounded against the cement as they encountered a door guarded by the two other men similar to the one guiding them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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