Chapter 10

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For me, it seemed like any other day. I woke up to the aggressive sound of the alarm clock irritating my ears. It wasn't one of those electrical ones, but mechanical one that today could have been considered vintage.

Metal clinking violently against metal tore open my head which I've tried to bury deep into the feathered pillow, I've groaned as I slowly began to lift myself from the warm mattress that begged me to once again enter the land of Morpheus.

That little red asshole, I've tried to turn it off, but to no avail, my hand slipped off every time I've tried to search for the turn off button. His shriek drove me insane, finally, I lifted it up and threw it brutally to the floor, smiling as it went off.

Outside it still was awfully dark, although the light rays of the sun shone from the horizon it felt like night. The fog hanged low and as it would be any other day at this hour it should be quiet, but throughout the closed window I could hear loud unidentified sounds.

I waved my hand ignoring it and dragged my heavy intensively drawn to the ground body into the bathroom as if it was any other day I brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, and combed my hair.

Doing my everyday routine I went to the kitchen connected to the living room, I caught my mother getting some Z's on the sofa. The half-empty bottle of cheap sweet wine laid next to the clear glass on the coffee table for which, because of the rosy stains, I didn't need evidence for what was it used for a few hours ago.

I sighed, my mother didn't experience the entire thing to well. After my father was taken by the police, the court decided it was for the best if he got locked away in the Arkham asylum. Apparently, the institution began to practice some new program that thought various therapies were meant to set life of people like my father on a straight line once again.

Of course in small suburban areas like our news spread quickly, the judging stares of neighbors were too much for her. It was also that whenever she was home, it seemed like the walls tightened and the room was stifling hot, the old furniture wanted to bite her, eat her up. It was his plan, a vengeance, so he wouldn't lead us life peaceful life after he was gone and set the entire house against us.

It was paranoic and most likely her imagination, but it was a good enough reason to move away from suburbs to the center of Gotham as she planned a long time ago. With at least thirty thousand dollars rolled in cash hid in the cookie container on top of the shelf she found an apartment close to both my new high school and Robinson's park.

The toaster ringed breaking me out of the thoughts and the warm, toasted bread jumped right out of the silver machine, I quickly grabbed it, spread the strawberry jam all over and with the slice in my mouth, quickly tied my black converse shoelaces and ran out of the apartment.

I belonged to a young talent's club in my school, every Monday and Wednesday I had to get up early and participate in it. I wasn't a fan of it, but apparently finishing it gave me the option to get a scholarship for my dream university - Gotham university... And now I was almost late.

Getting out of the building, I've heard a loud police siren. The cops were patrolling all over the area, without a doubt soon I would know what the fuzz was all about. Uproars were an everyday thing in Gotham and I assumed the whole panic was a result of most likely some damage made by a mafia war between Maroni and Falconi.

The underground was full of early morning workers and high schoolers like I, it was strange, people were talking discretely in between one another and nervousness hanged in the air. What did they do this time? Blow a company? Killed someone important? Everything was quite possible.

During a drive, I tried to peak at the people's newspapers, but there wasn't either an interesting headline suggesting something or anything that could tell me what had spread such a fright amongst the citizens.

Pale blue eyes (Heath Ledger Joker x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin