Chapter 7

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The breath brutally hitched in my throat when I felt a pair of hands roughly wrapping around my frail neck all of sudden, I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to come, but instead of an agony, I sensed grip loosen and soon the clownish man with the tips of his calloused fingers began drafting circles in relaxing manner around my back and neck in an attempt to soothe my nerves.

He was in a way astonishing, no matter how much time we spend, there was always some sort of anxiety wrapped around my mind when he was around. Maybe it was his borderline personality, the unpredictableness of his actions, or the simple awareness of him being a criminal that I couldn't get rid off from my head.

Still, after killing my father something in our relationship changed, It was difficult for me to explain, but there appeared to be an unexplained thread of agreement that strangely connected both of us.

It would be an exaggeration to call this a beginning of a friendship or something in this pattern when still I was the object of his violence whenever he felt frustrated or did it purely for his amusement.

,,You impressed me a few days ago, didn't expect you would be, uh able to do that" He chuckled under his breath, this voice was different, it was the deep one I first heard when he told about the murder of his father, the one that now he used almost on regular basics. His fingers once again brushed against my shoulder smoothly sending chills down my spine right before he climbed on a mattress next to me,,I found a purpose for you toots"

I looked inquisitively at the fluorescent green-haired man ,,To be more precise, I think there's a talent in your little firecracker self, a quite murderous one" He chortled answering my yet unspoken question ,,I've decided you should go through a training" I bit my lip, there wasn't a clear reason in why he undertook such option. First of all, he held me hostage, and if that wasn't enough to consider this at least a little bit strange, the fact that he wanted to kill me at first might give it a little bit more content.

,,What kind of training?" I didn't even try to hide my bewilderment at his words, the shock could be very much heard in my voice and seen in mimicry of my face. I shot him a questioning look, he smiled.

,,Fighting, shooting, manipulation you name it doll. I think you're perfect for my next little project" He chortled pulling me closer to him, I almost jumped once again feeling his touch. As many chances I had to get used to this, I couldn't ,,You will be the one that will help me catch the Harvey Dent" he whispered in my ear, as his warm breath hit my skin all the little hairs stood up.

,,You're insane, what makes you think I want to participate in that?" I questioned, but soon enough I breathe in heavily throughout my nose upon the feeling of cold blade digging into my cheek. It seemed that he could pull a knife out of thin air.

,,This" He hissed ,,Now don't y-o-u ever dare to call me i-n-s-a-n-e" He drew slowly through his teeth, his voice once again sounded high and nasally, my eyes widened in fear and I slowly nodded my head. He laughed as he saw me let out a sigh of relief when I have seen the knife being taken away from my face.

,,Good girl, now that you understand there would be a man coming shortly" He began ,,He's one of my people and he will be your, let's say, a teacher for a while" I looked at him blankly and kept being quiet.

He snickered at my quietness and stood up wiping the back of his purple pants ,,Either way, what is the point of using me for your ,,project"?" I asked ,,you're holding me, hostage, after all"

,,Hostage or not, I know what I am doing toots" the man stuttered and then went quiet for a moment ,,Uhm" The room once again was filled with an awful, utter silence which soon was sliced with an abrupt knock at the door.

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