Chapter 2

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The loud buzzing sound from my phone hit my ears, as I slowly fluttered my eyes open. I instantly looked at tv which still was silently playing, due to me not bothering to turn it off last night.

Everything that happened a few hours ago was a fuzz, I only remembered small details like colorful lights and a lot of alcohol, other than that nothing plus my head hurt like a bitch and I smelled like a dead dog on side of the road.

I got up to sitting position and lazily stretched gaining a few cracks from my bones, then I realized I still was hearing buzz coming from my phone.

Annoyed and tired I looked at the screen, it was Racheal who woke me up. I sighed running my hand throughout my messy hair.

,,What is it, Racheal?" I yawned and fixed my posture to a more comfortable one while starring at the tv, the Gotham news was on.

,,I think I left my pack of cigs in your purse" she murmured on the other side, by the sound of her voice she wasn't in the better state than me.

,,Seriously, can't you buy the new one?" I slowly stood up and went into the kitchen to get some pills for the headache that was ripping my head from the inside out every passing second.

,,You know money is tight on me Michelle... also that pack was new" I knew that she had a point and I had to get out of my apartment anyway to get some groceries.

I poured myself a cup of water and in one gulp white blessed pill went down my throat. Hopefully, now I will feel somewhat better.

,,Oh ok, is there anywhere you want to meet?" I didn't even hesitate, I knew Racheal for far too long and she wouldn't be so desperate for cigs, there was probably something far more important that she wanted to talk about. Starring out of my small kitchen window on the busy street outside, It was hard to think that some people lead their lifes normally, had their money and didn't have problematic relationships with their mothers and ex-boyfriends.

,,Yeah actually there's this cool new cafe that was opened few streets from my house, I didn't visit it yet but it seems pretty classy" Racheal's voice got more excited as she talked about it, per usual she told me about all the reviews she read and opinions of her other friends that have already visited the place. Halfway through the second sentence, my hearing turned off and I just let out small,,mhm" every few seconds to let her know I was listening.

After 2 minutes of the nonsense, I got tired of it and stopped her talking.

,,So when do you plan on meeting me?" I asked waiting to get this conversation over and take a hot shower.

,,Ehm I was thinking bout 1 pm, I believe 2 hours is enough for you to get ready" she spoke on the other line. 11 am? I was shocked how early I've been woken up for my hangover ass.

,,Ok" I murmured and as I was about to say goodbye she quickly added.

,,I send you the address also please be carefull on your way. I've just read online that there's some really dangerous maniac running free" her voice completely let out of that excitement started sounding somewhat worried. Out of pure irony, I looked at the tv from the kitchen door that very moment, the face of the clownish man appeared on almost whole screen as reporter talked something about him with a concerned look on her face. Sadly I didn't hear anything that reported said as tv was too quiet, but my heart sank as something told me I already saw those terrifying looking scars that came up from the mouth to half of his cheeks and dark eyes that told more than a hundred stories. When I tried to remember it, my head was shaking with another wave of exhilarating pain.

,,Yeah, yeah I'll be careful. See you till then" I said and turned off my phone. My breathing got irregular and my heart beating fastened, as the wave of unknown fear washed over me. I could swear to god that I knew that guy from somewhere, but from where? I had absolutely no idea.

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