He brought his hand up suddenly and ran it through my hair. "So soft," he whispered. He smiled slightly and looked at me. "You have really nice hair, Benjamin."

"You've said that," I replied, repeating his line from before.

He kissed the side of my head, keeping his face nestled against my hair. "I'll tell you again," he said. "Fuck. I really want to kiss you right now, is that bad?"

I considered. "Probably," I said. "I suppose I wouldn't mind kissing you."

I should have minded the prospect of locking lips with this insane man. But for some reason, when I looked up at his big beautiful eyes, just an inch from mine, and at his perfect lips, I just wanted them on mine.

It only took the slightest movement for me to kiss him; we were already so close. I kissed hard, parting my lips against his and stretching my arms around the back of his neck so I could pull him in. He cupped my face in his hand and twisted his head to kiss me a second time while I wrapped my whole body around him. I pushed the guilt of what I was doing away and followed him as he drew back, craving his soft lips on mine again.

It was him that pulled away first, and he sat up and stared down at me, amusement flickering in his expression. "I knew it would only be a matter of time before we got to this."

Before I could catch myself, I'd fallen into a scowl. "How-"

"A lot of things. The way you look at me. It's a dead giveaway." He smiled. "And how you freak out if I get closer than fifty feet to you."

I wondered if these things would be as apparent to anyone else. I looked down, suddenly awkward again. Michael was bad for anyone he got involved with. You don't want to end up like Kitty, do you? Damn it. I'd already gone too far. Stupid, stupid, stupid. "Fuck you," I said.


"I hate you so much," I snapped. "Why'd we just do that, Michael? Jesus Christ."

He was silent for a moment, a tiny smirk wavering on his lips. "Ah," he murmured. "You like me, don't you?"

"I just said I-"

"Yeah, yeah, you hate me, yadda yadda yadda. But you like me. I can tell." He grinned like he'd just won something. "Kiss me again."

I flinched away. "No."

"God, you're difficult," he said. "You hungry?"

I thought about it. "I could eat," I said.

"Cool," he said. "'Cuz if you're not doing anything right now... I know this really cute little cafe in town and they have delicious donuts and cof- uh, donuts and water?"

"I lied about the not liking coffee thing, dude. Everyone likes coffee."


"I dunno. I was mad you hit my car and I just, like, felt like being..."

"Difficult," he said pointedly.

"I'm still mad about the car, by the way."

He smirked. "I'm sorry. So do you wanna go? With me?"

"What is this, some kind of date?" I scoffed. "'Cuz I am so not into that."

"Not a date," he said. "Just two dudes getting some donuts."

My stomach rumbled audibly. "Okay, okay. Now?"

"Sure, we could get them now. Or we could..." He placed his hand on my side and slowly traced it downward. "Get them... later. Choice is yours."

I Know What Sin IsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora