2. When Abby met Brian. - Abby

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"I'll miss you," I told Ruth, pulling back after one last hug

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"I'll miss you," I told Ruth, pulling back after one last hug.

She swept some of the long hair hanging over my shoulder back, her gentle eyes smiling. "I'll miss you, too."

"Enjoy your retirement, and please make sure you keep up with me on social media."

She promised to do just that before leaving that Friday afternoon. Ruth was a surrogate mother for me at work that year; hilarious and kind, always encouraging me with my studies, and prodding me to eat lunch because it's easy to forget with how busy work gets. I would miss her a lot.

My heart twinged when I passed her empty cubicle early next Monday morning. No students needed help yet, and I zoned out, staring into the massive open space.

I inwardly pouted as I plopped my chin in my hands and focused on some student life fliers across the room until activity picked up.

The green carpet has worn in a few spots from the heavy traffic, and the lighting in here can be bleak since no windows reach the large office space in the middle of the building. Only the rooms lining each wall like Marlena's.

Departments peek out in the building in carefully planned yet haphazard-looking spots. Our building houses Admissions, Student Affairs, Financial Aid, Career Services, and Registration.

"Hey, Abbs?"

"Mmhmm?" I shifted back from leaning over the smooth, tall countertop at the sound of Winston's voice.

Winston is a wiry blonde guy with thick frames around his brown eyes. He's quiet but approachable, and we started working together about two months prior.

"Hey, this is Brian Peña. He's just starting here today."

"Oh!" I giggled in embarrassment and straightened up, my cheeks heating up because I probably had my butt sticking out just then. "Good morning," I said to Winston before turning my focus to new said coworker.


Ruth who? I don't miss Ruth.

Ruth is dead to me.

My heart instantly exploded in my chest as I looked into Brian's eyes. He broke into a grin and offered his hand while my face flamed. "Hi."

"Hi! I'm Abby!" Okay, that's the sound of a chipmunk on nitrous oxide. Why can't I have one of those sexy voices? I couldn't be a chipmunk that day, of all days!

"Hey, it's nice to meet you," Brian said, reaching to shake my hand. I vowed never to wash that hand again.

Less than a moment later, Winston led him away while I continued gawking. Not only was he the best-looking man I'd ever seen in real life, but he was also the best-looking man I'd ever seen in real life.

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