#2 Only part 2

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"Soonhyun Hyung can u come help me with this button" Jimin asks one of the producers giving him a coy smile.

He approaches Jimin looking at said button a little confused like because he cant see whats wrong.

"I m trying to get it unbuttoned but its stuck" Jimin says glancing over at Jungkook to makes sure he is watching. Don't get him wrong Jimin is not trying yo be mean or slutty, he just simply wants to get a rise from his boyfriend whom he is alighly irritated with at the moment.
"Ummm, maybe you should have one of your members do that I m sure they could..." Soonhyun replies obviously uncomfortable with the situation you see Jimin has noticed how some of the looks he has given him which is exactly why he asked him to help.

"They're busy" Jimin replies innocently
"Oh ok" he says moving his hands to the button on Jimin's chest.
As he is working at it Jimin seeks Jungkooks eyes and gives him a small smile. Almost without thought Jungkook pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue which Jimin knows is a tell of jealously for him.

By the time they load up the van for departure, Jungkook is seething. All day everyone that Jimin had an interaction with, he flirted with like blatantly flirted or at least that how it seemed to Jungkook. As they loaded into the van, it was just natural for the members to leave the seat to Jimin's left empty for that is where Jungkook almost always sits and so this time he does as always and sits. Jimin was expecting to get a whispered earful on the way home and instead all he got was dead silence and honestly it was more than a little unnerving and it put Jimin a bit on edge. Finally after what seems like a very long ride, they pull up in front of the dorms but as Jimin goes to stand up to exit the vehicle he is stopped by a strong hand on his shoulder.
"We will be going to the apartment tonight" he says to the members in a tone that leaves nonroom for discussion.
"Kook..." Namjoon starts having kept an eye on the jikook show all day he knows Jungkook is obviously upset. seeming
"Its fine Hyung Jiminie Hyung and I just need a nite to ourselves is all" He reasaures him.

The ride to Jungkook's apartment is more of the dead silence the talking to Jimin was expecting to get from his boyfriend never materializes.
"What time shall your pickup be?" the driver asks as they exit the vehicle
"I'll call" Jungkook says opening the door and entering the apartment leaving Jimin standing outside a tiny but confused. Jimin follows Jungkook (as he always has.)
Jungkook goes to the fridge takes out a bottle of banana milk taking a few sips before he gently sets it down finally looking Jimin straight in the eyes. He gives Jimin a very pointed look cocking his head to the side then heading down the hall towards the bedroom. Jimin is starting to think he may actually he mad at him so after a minute he follows him. He finds him standing in front of
the dresser shirtless taking off his watch and accessories for the day.
"Kookie" Jimin says shyly
In response Jungkook just looks over at him.
"Are you mad at..." Jimin starts to say but he gets cut of when Jungkook shakes his head.
"Not mad...I just....." words seem to fail him so he crosses the small space that separates them and literally backs Jimin up with his advance until he is forced to sit on the bed, their bed.
"I just can't stand when you let other people be like that with you and I think you know that" he says looking straight into Jimin's eyes.

"I was just messing around well I was a little mad at you after you left me this morning though" Jimin says with a little pout on his alreadg pouty lips.

Jungkook furrows his eyebrows.

"Do you think I wanted to turn you down?" he says and chuckles.

"Yea I wanted very much to tell my sexy boyfriend NO when he tried to make love with me this morning" Jungkook say incredulously

"Ok that sounds silly now that you put it like that" Jimin reasons.

"You know why, you know we have to keep up schedules and not show that we can not let us get in the way of the bands work if we ever wanna go to the company we gotta prove that" Jungkook remind him

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