Into The Abyss

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So real quick, so I actually forgot about the log/loading screen last chapter Blood and Rust, and I can't really bother changing it now so I'll leave a the log here if you guys want to or not. That is all, bye for now.

Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction, RWBY and Titanfall2 do not belong to me they belong to Rooster Teeth and Respawn Entertainment respectively.

Blood and Rust Loading screen:

Cooper's Logbook

This Titan, BT-7274, says I'm his Acting Pilot. Whatever I'm ready or not, I have to make this work -- or I'm dead.

My only chance of survival is to uphold Lastimosa's original mission. That means rendezvousing with his commanding officer: Major Anderson of the Militia's Special Recon Squadron (SRS).

Another 60 klicks to go.

When Team RWBY arrived in the mess hall and grabbed their nights meals they met up with their sister Team JNPR, there Ruby tells Jaune of the game they were playing and he asked if he can borrow it after they are done which she is okay with, outside of that everyone's conversations were normal.

Aside from the fact that Nora of JNPR tells them the event that happened while they were playing, someone from a different team were having a loud argument - that even their closed door couldn't contain the noise - about what is better between cat faunus or fox faunus one way or another they ended up in a fight but still continued their argument before it temporarily ended by Beacon's fiercest headmistress and disciplinarian, Glynda Goodwitch, but its heard that even under her presence the two still argued quietly using papers and pen and continuously glaring at each other, which surprised everyone and literally everyone of Beacon of the balls or idiocy of this two...

And it happened that day, when they were in their dorm room playing Titanfall 2...

How did they missed that!

After their meal they decided to return to their dorm and hopefully sleep away all the weirdness that happened outside their dorm, prepared to sleep they embark on the wondrous bliss of sleep and swim in their dreams forgetting the event that happened yesterday.

Morning came as a new day sets in as the rising sun light shines over the waking city of Vale and Beacon, where our main heroines awake from their blissful slumber. Doing their morning routine then heading getting their morning breakfast before returning to their dorm, today is Saturday with plenty of time in their hands they can spend some time for whatever they need, Ruby maintaining her weapon, Weiss study, Blake's book, and Yang scrolling online. Eventually Ruby starts up the game and with the familiar sound emitting from the speakers everyone stopped what their doing and went to take a seat, using pillows for their yummy butts.

Cooper's Logbook

My neural link with BT is improving - I managed to kill Kane, a mercenary working for the IMC. Now we're back on track towards the rendezvous point, in search of Major Anderson.

We're still being hunted. But now that we've got Kane's helmet radio, we can at least eavesdrop on enemy communications.

BT decided that we should take a short cut to the rendezvous point, with no argument they went on their way to the path ahead of them before stumbling into a odd cave and from their left a platform to where ever it may go, another facility maybe? He then asks BT, "What is this place?" "Accessing Files... unknown." 'Well that can't be good, but why go through here?' he asked BT and he replied that we have to go through this facility to get to their mission and its their only chance to survive here. No choice, they have to go through another facility.

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