Blood and Rust

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Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction, RWBY and Titanfall2 do not belong to me they belong to Rooster Teeth and Respawn Entertainment respectively.

We managed to put up a distance between us and the IMC search teams, BT insist that we make way for the rendezvous before the IMC catch them, no other options we go with the mission. Radio picks up an urgent chatter from fellow Militias in a combat situation and need of backup. Taking no time they sprint to the combat zone, on a valley with toxic sludge from the facility that snuff the life from the trees near it, and littered on the grounds are spent casings and destroyed titans, as the battle between the IMC and the Militia titans goes on.

Hopping down the cliff, Ruby assist the Militia in their survival and destroy any enemy threat, she gets welcomed by them and they push their enemies. She learns that the green batteries is use to 'heal' BT and are dropped from boxes or doomed titans. She then learns of Titan abilities, hearing BT's core ability is ready, activating Burst Core, loading arc rounds and unleashes electric bullets that cause huge amount of damage to down one easily. With some sacrifices they eliminated the last enemy and gained victory. Moving forward she spots something on the ground, she sees a titan weapon highlighted in blue, she picks it up texts appears.

Titan Loadout Found - "Tone"

"Pilot, this Titan weapon is an advanced design and may give us a tactical advantage." BT insisted, Cooper chuckles, "I think somebody's in love."

'Yep...' The team thought as they see their leader drooling at the sight of the new weapon which somewhat resembles - guess what - a sniper rifle.

"A human's concept of love requires admiration, attraction, devotion, and respect. Conclusion: I am 50% in love." BT throws back, and Cooper couldn't help but laugh.

Yang falls to her back laughing hard and her team wasn't far behind. "Oh Oum, good one BT!"

Blake recovers "The same can be implied to our leader."

"Yea--HEY!" Ruby yells, which made them laugh more and she tired to hide with her hood. Moving deep into the facility they encounter more enemies with some difficulty. Ruby starts to like the new loadout for BT and weapon the 40mm Tracker Cannon with  3 shots hit locks onto the target and using Tracking Rockets destroys it, using a Partical Wall stops bullets and allows hers to go through and be amplified to do more damage, then Tone's core ability, Salvo Core, every rocket in the pod flies its way to the titan then guiding them to the next. Soon they end in a win, but the closed gate stops them from proceeding they need to open it. 

"Pilot, our path through this facility in blocked by a Flow Regulation Gate. There should be a control interface nearby." Looking around he sees a platform and heads his way there, dropping inside he found the interface pressing it, opens the gate for BT to pass through but the system seals the access-way above him to prevent the release of toxic fumes, "Pilot, the safety airlock has sealed you in the control room. You must find another way out. We have no choice but to split up."

It is a sound plan but Ruby is reluctant of it she decides to voice her concern. "Split up? Sounds risky."

"Splitting up already, they just met and after one night they decided to split." Yang said, it wasn't even a question and it resulted in the team to go dark red, with Weiss scolding the blonde for the comment.

"Given our dire circumstances, this is a wroth taking." BT said and announce that he is tracking him, nodding with that he keeps moving, maneuvering around the facility shooting down grunts and spectres along the way, the pa comes on and someone spoke through it, "What we have here my IMC and Militia friends, is a failure to communicate! And that's okay! That's okay. That's all good."

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