59 | Burst

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Daeyeon's POV

"Daeyeon-ssi, can you check on Taehyung. I know he'll open up when it's you. Please." I stop in my track and look at Namjoon oppa.

He stopped knocking on Taehyung oppa's door.

"Maybe he need some space. I'll talk to him later." I answered and about to go in my room but he stop me again.

"But we need to go to the company as soon as possible. We need to practice our performance for tomorrow, we can't do it if someone is missing." He said and I just stare at him blankly.

So he's more worried for our performance tomorrow?

We have an interview tomorrow and we need to perform as well. It's our last appearance in TV and our last performance as well before they enter the military.

"Please Daeyeon-ssi, I know he'll listen to you. We'll give you guys 15 minutes and then we'll go." He added before giving me a quick hug and a kiss in forehead before leaving.

I sigh in defeat before walking infront of Taehyung oppa's room. I softly knock before twisting the door knob.

"GET LOST!" he shouted while his face is buried in his pillow.

"Oppa." I called him but he just stay in his position.

"I don't want to talk to anyone. Please get out." He answered but I didn't follow him.

I sit in the side of his bed and just stared at his computer which is in front of me. My back facing him.

"It's been a while since we last played PUBG." I started while still staring at his PC.

"You know Jimin oppa more than anyone else. And he knows you too more than the others. You fought a lot but still stayed as each others bestfriend." He didn't respond so I continue.

"I envy all of you, for real. And I hope you know that. You're the best brothers that I never had, that's why I'm very grateful that I chose to stay. But lately, you guys are not like yourselves, and I can't help but feel useless, I can't do anything about it. Please talk to Jimin oppa, forgive each other. I'm starting to get used to this scenario actually, please stop me as soon as possible. Because one day, I might regret getting used to all of this." I heard him move but before he speak I immediately went out of his room.

• • •

We're now heading to Bighit. The car ride was silent, Jin oppa is driving while I decided to sit beside him infront which is rare because I usually sit beside Jungkook.

Namjoon oppa sit in the back beside Jungkook and Hoseok oppa beside him, while Taehyung oppa, Jimin oppa and Yoongi oppa is infront of them.

After I left Taehyung oppa's room earlier, Namjoon oppa immediately sent Jimin oppa in his room for them to talk. They're okay now, I guess. I can hear them whispering to each other like they didn't fought earlier.

"We're here." I heard Jin oppa and I immediately remove my seatbelt and get out.

I can see Namjoon oppa approaching me but I quickly stand beside Jin oppa and we both went in the building.

"You okay?" Jin oppa asked and I just nod my head. "Aren't you hungry?" I shook my head as a no.

He just sigh and stay silent while the others follow us behind.

Once we reached our practice room, I carefully place my small bag in a chair putting my phone beside it.

"5 minutes to stretch then we'll start, I'll be back." Our dance director said before making his way out leaving us in the room.

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