58 | New Routine

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Daeyeon's POV

I just finished fixing my suitcase and put my clothes in the laundry and some in my closet. The three oppa left me alone after I told them that I just came back, they told me to rest and we'll talk later.

I'm now currently sitting infront of my seven oppa's. Am still confused of why they didn't know that I came home in Incheon, though I'm really sure that I left the short sticky note letter on Taehyung oppa's bedside table.

"Explain everything Daeyeon-ssi." I looked up to Jin oppa as he called me softly.

"What should I explain? Last time I knew, you guys are the one who should explain everything to me." I answered plainly.

"We thought you were just in your room the whole 2 weeks. Why didn't you tell us that you're going home?" Yoongi oppa asked me totally ignoring my remarked.

"I did." I said before my eyes landed on the guy in the corner of the couch.

He's looking down while playing with his fingers. Jungkook.

"You did? How?" I stared blankly at Hoseok oppa before looking at Taehyung oppa.

"I left a note at Taehyung oppa's table. I left my keys at his drawer as well."

All of them look at Taehyung oppa but he just shrug his shoulder and look confuse.

"I swear I didn't see anything in my table--wait, is it the yellow paper?" He asked and I just nod.

He nervously smile while scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeontan accidentally rip it. I just woke up seeing him playing with a ripped yellow paper." He explained making the others sigh in annoyance.

I wait for a minute but they just stay silent. I sigh before speaking up.

"If you don't have anything to say, I'll go and rest now." Before I stand up, Namjoon oppa quickly held my wrist making me stop.

"Wait, we'll explain. Everything." I sigh for the second time before sitting properly and look at him.

"First of all, we're sorry. It was all Pd-nim's idea. He called us and said to come in his office because he wanted to say something important. But we're confused as well because he did not invited you. Then he explained that he had a plan for us about the military service. I swear, we told him that we already had a plan about it, but he still consider his plan. He said that it will be better for all of us, especially for you to debut as a solo artist while we're serving. That's why, we agreed because I know you will understand." He explained clearly but I still stare at him blank.

"But I do not." He look up at me with his furrowed eyebrows.


"I do not understand." He's about to speak up but I stop him. "You did it without saying I will understand. Yes, maybe I can understand it, but you don't consider my feelings right? 'What would I feel?' 'Daeyeon will be mad at us!' She'll be sad to be left alone' You haven't thought of that am I right?"

"No." I shifted my gaze Jin oppa as he answered.

"Then why?" I said almost a whisper.

"Daeyeon, we regret everything now. Pd-nim explained to us what you two talked about. I know that you'll decline that opportunity but still I did not stop him. But please Daeyeon, please don't be mad at us. We're sorry. We're really sorry." Namjoon took my hand as he started to sob.

The others started to cry as well. I saw how Jimin oppa took Taehyung in his arm while he's crying as well. Jungkook still hanging his head low but with his shoulder shaking. Hoseok oppa started to cry as well as Jin oppa who's sitting beside Yoongi oppa who's starting to tear up.

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