41: Katsumi

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"Are you sure about this?" Jianjun looked at his reflection in the mirror with a reluctant face.

"Yes! You look handsome." Hiko shook some dust off Jianjun's shoulder's. He had taken Jianjun to the tailor which was on the surface. There was a tailor underground but Hiko insisted they go to this tailor. "Handsome enough for Yuri." Hiko snickered.

"Stop it Hiko. She's my teacher. And that title demands a certain level of respect." Jianjun lectured Hiko who wasn't listening to him.

"We'll take it Mr. Weng. Thank you!" Hiko handed the old man his payment and went back to Jianjun. "I already bought that suit. Let's go."

Jianjun dipped his spoon into the bowl before bringing it to his mouth and sipping on the delicious liquid. Satisfied, he took more sips, humming with every one, annoying Hiko.

"Please stop, I know it's delicious. I'm just not in the mood to eat." Hiko shouted from the living room. 

"Come on! It's still early. The dinner party isn't until well... dinner."

Hiko didn't reply as he looked at the book he had recovered from his old house. He didn't want to open and read it yet. Somehow, he felt disgusted with himself that he took it. There might be some private stuff in the journal and it would feel wrong if he read it. His father gave him his book of Lightningbending but not this journal. Hiko nodded to himself and placed the journal in the empty drawer at his side.

"Hiko! I'm going to the dojo!" Jianjun picked up his bag and walked to the living room.

"Can I come with?" Hiko stood up and smiled awkwardly at Jianjun who raised an eyebrow.


"I just want to see what Yuri's teaching you." Hiko walked to the door and opened it, gesturing Jianjun to go first. Sighing, Jianjun went outside followed by Hiko.

"So, how does she teach? Does she discipline you guys and inspire you to be better or is she very calm and useless?" Hiko asked, keeping in mind how different he taught Korra to how Jinora taught Bumi and Kai.

"You'll see."

Finally, they arrived at the dojo, Jianjun sick of telling Hiko 'you'll see' after every question he had about Yuri. Jianjun walked in first and flashed his ID at the old lady at the front. Hiko bowed to the old lady before walking past her. Jianjun stopped in front of a door and turned around to face Hiko, who was enthusiastic.

"Hiko, behave." Jianjun raised a finger at Hiko, who's face suddenly turned from excited to shocked and angry. Jianjun realizing his mistake, put down his finger and cleared his throat before entering the room. Yuri was talking to a boy Hiko's age before noticing the door had opened, she looked to her side where Jianjun was.

"Jian! Hey!" Yuri approached Jianjun smiling widely.

"Hey Yuri. I have someone with me." Jianjun stepped aside to reveal Hiko, who waved.

"Hi Yuri! I just came with my awesome big brother and see if he's giving you any problems if you know what I mean." Hiko snickered only to be stopped by a hard nudge to his side by Jianjun.

"You two do have some resemblance to one another. Alright, Hiko you can sit down over there." Yuri pointed at a small bench at the end of the room. "Jianjun, you may get on the floor with the rest of the class." Yuri smiled at Jianjun.

"You'd want her to be on the floor wouldn't you?" Hiko whispered to Jianjun before running to the bench before his bigger brother could pummel him.

"Alright class, settle down. Today we'll learn more about tackling. Approaching an enemy who is unaware may seem easy, but if not done correctly it might be you who'll be eating the dust. And tackling an enemy who's aware is even harder." Hiko sat down on the bench and looked up to listen to Yuri. She continued speaking about how to take down a person but Hiko started getting bored. He scanned the class, with Jianjun near the middle. His classmates were mostly around Hiko's age or just a little bit older. His eyes drifted to the person closest to him. It was a girl, and althoughe she was turned around, she seemed familiar.

"Alright class, pair up and practice takedowns. Those who are able to takedown their pair will be given a piece of chocolate. On me!" Yuri shouted and walked to her desk and relaxed. The girl closest to Hiko, stood up and looked around the room. The others had already paired up, she was the only one who didn't have a partner. Finally, the girl turned around and jumped back when she saw Hiko.

"You!" Katsumi stomped over to Hiko who was getting more and more frightened with every step she took toward him. She picked him up by the collar and pulled him up. "Why are you back here? I told you to never come back!"

"You're pairing up with Hiko?!" Yuri shouted at Katsumi who turned around, perplexed. Finally realizing what had happened she spoke up.

"Yes Ma'am! I'd like to teach him a few things." Katsumi looked at Hiko maliciously.

"That's fine, have fun!" Yuri shrugged.

Katsumi pulled Hiko to the mat where she stood in front of him.

"Ok, Katsumi. I'm sorry I'm here I was jus-" The air in Hiko's lung was suddenly taken away as he crashed into the ground, his back producing a loud thud. Groaning in pain, he looked up to see Katsumi smirking.

"That's for what you did to Kiba." She whispered.

Hiko was still taken aback by the sudden agression. Although he did expect Katsumi to be a somewhat vengeful person, he did not expect her to take him down just like that. Clutching his ribs, he stood up slowly, not getting any help from his "partner".

"Alright, come on. I still have to practice against someone who can fight back." Katsumi placed her hands on Hiko's shoulder and his side.

"What are you doing?" Hiko asked.

"It's judo you idiot." Katsumi scoffed before taking Hiko's hands and placed them on her side and on her shoulder. It reminded him so much of his dance with Jinora, but this time his 'dance partner' was gonna pummel him into the ground while he did not know how to resist.

"Oh, okay." Hiko felt the awkwardness rushed through him, just like how the blood rushed to his head after getting taken down by Katsumi.

"Hiko's kinda getting owned by Katsumi over there. Should I stop them?" Yuri asked to herself as she watched Hiko hit the floor for the seventh time now.

"He's tough, he can take it." Jianjun replied to Yuri.

"Hey! Get back to your partner!" Yuri demanded while Jianjun snickered.

"He took a break. Besides, I've been improving right?"

"Yeah, you'd definitely beat my grandmother if you two ever got into a fight." Yuri laughed, to which Jianjun pouted at.

"My back will never be the same again." Hiko slouched as he sat back down on the bench, groaning at the pain.

"I told you, you shouldn't come back. But you did, so I taught you a lesson." Katsumi said with pride in her voice. She looked back at Hiko who looked drained as he gave a long sigh. Katsumi cleared her throat before speaking again.

"Anyway, I heard you were going to a dinner party later tonight. You should go home and rest before going to the party. Clan Head Iatsu wouldn't want his 'guest of honor' to be limping around."

"Wait, how do you know about that?" Hiko asked.

"I just know." Katsumi sat beside Hiko, prompting him to scooch over. "So, the 'great son' of Yuan has blessed me with his presence. Why?"

"I just came here to watch my brother get it on with his teacher. I didn't expect you to be here and traumatise my back just like that." Hiko frowned, while Katsumi laughed.

"Well, you deserved it. Who's your brother here?"

"Half-brother and it's the guy talking to Yuri." Hiko pointed at Jianjun who was laughing along with Yuri.

"You two look nothing alike, at least Jianjun actually looks decent." Katsumi pointed out.

"Come on, give me some credit." Hiko fiddled with his hair, conscious.

"Yeah, no." Katsumi snickered.

The Lightning Bender | Book 1: ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now