24: Got to Him

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"So, we're roommates!" Kai was laying down on the bed with his hand behind his head smiling.

"Yeah..." Hiko muttered lifelessly as he unpacked his luggage.

"We haven't officialy met! My name's Kai." Kai got up an approached Hiko with an arm outstretched. Hiko hesitated before firmly shaking Kai's hand.

"Hiko." He knelt back down to his luggage, taking his book out.

"You read? What book is that?" Kai asked curiously, pointing at Hiko's book.

"It's my book." Hiko got up and walked to the dresser to fix his hair in the mirror.

"Duh. But what is it about?"

Brushing his hair fiercely Hiko replied. "Techniques on Lightningbending." Finally feeling satisfied with his hair he walked out of the room.

It was a cloudy day outside, it was still bright but it wasn't hot which made Hiko really wanted to practice a new technique he had thought about. He wasn't sure if it would work but it was the perfect time to try. He read in a book years ago when he visited Republic City library that intrigued him. The book was about Heavenly Energy. It was about how theoretically, Firebenders can call upon Heavenly Fire to inflict massive damage to the enemy. Hiko wanted to see if he could do exactly that just with Lightning. He walked to the center of the courtyard and got into his stance. He circled the courtyard not breaking his stance, then walked to the center and extended his arms to the sky. A huge explosion occurred which sent Hiko flying. He wasn't focused and he knew the only thing or rather, person, that could break his focus.

He walked briskly back to the house making his way to his room. You have to be calm Hiko. Don't let Kai get to you. Kai was laying on the bed unruffled. He sat up to look at what made the noise to see Hiko.

"Hey!" Kai waved at Hiko which Hiko did not return.

"What's the deal with you and Jinora?" Hiko asked in his most calm and casual voice.

"What do you mean?" Kai asked frankly confused.

"You know what I mean." Hiko crossed his arms.

"We're friends. Why? Do you like her?" Hiko blushed at the word and looked away from Kai.

"Nope." Hiko pursed his lips facing the door.

"Ok, just wanted to make sure." Kai went back to laying down on the bed.

Hiko opened the door and closed it more gently than earlier. Friends. Kai and her were just friends. Hiko kept repeating to himself. He was looking down at his feet as he made his way to the kitchen to brew some tea, when he bumped into something solid that made him stumble back.

"Ow!" Hiko rubbed his forehead. He bumped into a wooden door that had opened.

"Oh sorry." Mako apologized to Hiko.

"It's ok." Hiko continued walking to the kitchen.

"Hey, you want to come with me and Bolin? We're gonna go out, eat some food." Hiko was fairly surprised at the proposition. Mako never talked to him directly, he knew that Mako didn't like him that much.

"Can I ask why?" Hiko's words slipped out, he knew it seemed rude but he can't help it.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot. You really saved our butts that night, from that combustion bender." Hiko nodded as Mako talked.

"Alright, I'll go with you guys. Let me just get my wallet."

"We'll wait for you in the living room." Hiko nodded and walked back to his room. He opened it to see Kai scanning through Hiko's book.

"What the..."

"Oh! Hiko! I'm sorry I was just curious." Kai sat up quickly and set Hiko's book on the nightstand.

"You don't touch my things Kai." Hiko's fists tightened.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself it was just there!" Kai gestured at Hiko's nightstand, which was where his wallet was. Hiko stomped to the dresser and took his wallet giving a nasty glance at Kai before walking out.

Hiko met up with Mako and Bolin in the living room before heading out. The upper ring was a lot cleaner than the part of Republic City where Hiko lived, but he knew this was just a facade to hide the real problem. The people from the lower ring were living in harsh conditions while people in the upper ring lived luxuriously.

They settled on a restaurant that looked far too expensive for Hiko's wallet. He looked into his wallet and saw he had 5 yuans left.

"Hey, put that down we're treating you." Mako put his hand over Hiko's wallet.

"Yeah! Our treat!" Bolin smiled at Hiko who was grateful.

Hiko ordered Roast duck and it was good but not as good as Ping's. This Roast duck tasted artificial.

"So, Hiko what's going on with you and Jinora?" Hiko almost spat out his tea making Bolin chuckle.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Hiko went back to his Roast duck.

"Come on Hiko! We know you two have something." Bolin pointed his chopsticks at Hiko was getting a little bit uncomfortable, but he figured if he talked then they would stop he thought.

"Well, I don't know. I think Jinora's too young for me? So I can't really..." Bolin slammed his hand on the table making Hiko flinch.

"Hiko! She's like a year younger than you what are you talking about." Hiko went back to eating his Roast duck.

"That's not it, it's because of Kai." Mako looked up from his Pork to see Hiko's eyes thin.

"That scum took my book without permission. I should've zapped him right then and there." Mako chuckled at Hiko while Bolin looked indifferent.

The Lightning Bender | Book 1: ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now