chapter 9 : found the O/C'S!!

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Meanwhile back with Stella_9977 , Scarlet_Thorndike , shelia and @realkingtrollex they where almost near the place near the abandon castle where Shasta and the O/C'S were at . But the one problem was that a old stone mossy wall that was all around that castle that they all where in .

" C'mon guys where almost their , we just need to find a way to get up this wall " Scarlet_Thorndike said .

" Well i found this magic dust that can make us teleport here to their . Do you think that'll work " Stella_9977 said showing Scarlet_Thorndike the magic dust .

" Oh my g.o.s.h , STELLA YOUR A GENIUS!!!!!! " shelia said . Stella_9977 felt so proud of herself .
Shelia sparkled the dust on her and the three O/C'S causing them to disappear and reappear in the castle walls and they finally arrived .

" they must be in their , I can hear her talking about something " @stella_9977 said . Shelia dj the three O/C'S sneaked into the castle making sure they didn't make a noise at all like dead silence .
When they finally were at the top they hid in one of the closet looking at all they hypnotized O/C'S . realkingtrollex looked at my hypnotized self and whimped a bit but not loud .

" Don't worry trollex , we'll find a way to get them back to normal . I promise " Scarlet_Thorndike said as she tried to comfort him . Stella_9977 helped @realkingtrollex as well so he can feel better but he still was depressed though .

" Now that all you O/C'S are mine I'll tell you what you need to do for me like a favor and no questioning me , do you guys understand " Shasta said . All the O/C'S nodded their head in agreement making Shasta smirk .

" good, do you agree vitarah? " Shasta said looking directly at me .

" yes I do- " Then I was interrupted by shouting from a familiar voice coming from behind us .

" HOLD IT RIGHT THERE SHASTA!!!! " the voice said . We looked behind to see Shelia , Scarlet_Thorndike , realkingtrollex , and Stella_9977 standing near the door frowning and pointing their weapons at Shasta.

" THEIR IS NO WAY YOU'LL KEEP ALL THESE O/C'S TO YOURSELF . THEY BELONG TO A DIFFERENT PERSON!!!!! " realkingtrollex yelled echoing across the room loud enough for everyone to hear . Shasta smirked again and walked around the crew .

" so you think it was easy to just break in here to save everyone you have ever known and love , but yet you can't see yourself in a situation to " Shasta said . The 4 looked at her confused. Then a cage from above fell on them trapping them inside .

" good luck on getting out of that suckers!! " Shasta said evil laughing at them . Then Stella_9977 , Scarlet_Thorndike , and realkingtrollex crawled through the little holes of the cage making Shelia giggle at how haliarious to see that Shasta can't trap them in their because they can all fit in the little holes .

" stop laughing when you can't get yourself out of their either " Shasta said laughing at her knowing she can't get out .

" OH SHUT UP SHASTA!!!! " shelia said .

" dont worry Shelia, we'll find a way to get you out of that cage but first we need to get rid of Shasta " Stella_9977 said pulling out her weapon and glared at Shasta.

" alright , I don't mind a fight at all " Shasta said pulling out her weapon which was bigger then realkingtrollex own trident . The three growled as they got ready to fight .

" Now let the battle begin " Shasta said .


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