But neither Padmé nor Ahsoka mind. In fact, it's nice to see this side of him.

Padmé awes, grabbing the sunscreen. "Here's the sunscreen. I know you'll want it." She says, holding it out to him.

"Oh, no. I don't need it. I'll be fine. Thanks though." He responds, hardly glancing her way.

"Obi-Wan, you're going to burn." She says, waving the bottle to get his attention. "You don't have skin that tans. You are going to regret not putting it on."

"And I guess I'll just have to live with that." He replies as Luke claps his hands.

She shrugs her shoulder and places the bottle back down. "Don't come crying to me when you're burnt then." Leia huffs in agreement, making Ahsoka and Padmé laugh. They begin to play with her as everyone begins to show up.

The 501st is carrying a volleyball and a net. Anakin and a few of the 212th have miscellaneous water items from kayaks to water guns. Anakin sets down his items then rushes over to the group on the beach. He bends down, kissing Padmé on the cheek. "Hello, dear."

"Hello." She smiles.

"Hey, Snips." He greets as he grabs Leia from the blanket.

"No fair. You too?" She asks, watching the other Skywalker twin be taken from her.

"Hey, she's my kid. I think I get priority." He replies. He places his mouth onto Leia's stomach and blows, making her squeal.

"Yeah, but you see her every day, Skyguy." Ahsoka counters, watching her masters play with the twins. It's a sight she never could have thought of in her wildest dreams. Anakin had decided to walk away from the Order after Padmé gave birth. No one was too shocked or surprised that he chose that path.

"You can try to take Luke from Obi-Wan. I'm sure he'll share." Anakin says, knowing full well that Obi-Wan would never give up the child unless necessary.

"Fat chance. He wasn't around us for more than ten seconds before he stole him from me." She smiles. Anakin playfully glares at Obi-Wan, who shrugs his shoulders in response.

"What? I couldn't resist."

Rex comes jogging up to them. He points over his shoulder at the group of clones already passing the volleyball around. "We're about to start a game if any of you would like to join." He says. He looks down, smiling at Ahsoka. "That means you too."

Ahsoka groans with a grin. "Fine. I guess I could play a round or two." She says. She holds out her hand for help. Rex takes it and pulls her to her feet. She wipes the sand off of herself and watches for the others to join.

"Come on, Obi-Wan," Anakin says, patting his master's shoulder.

"Oh, alright. I suppose." He replies. Both of them hand the twins off to Padmé. She is taken back, not expecting to have both of them thrust onto her at once.

"Thanks for leaving me on babysitting duty." She teases, holding them in her lap.

"Don't worry. I'll just beat them a few times then you can have a break." Anakin calls out as he walks over to join the others at the net.

"I'm only kidding. Go have fun." She smiles, waving him away. The twins eagerly climb out of her grasp and onto the blanket. They babble to each other as they reach for their favorite toys. Padmé keeps an eye on them, but also watches the game at hand.

They divided each other into teams. Of course, it's the 501st against 212th. Ahsoka unfortunately makes the teams uneven. So they decide that she's on both teams. For one full rotation, she's on Anakin's side. For the next, she's with Obi-Wan.

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