"I have no idea what you're talking about." I lie. 

"Bullshit, you've been favouring your right for an hour now, which means your left is hurt. I'm guessing it's not your leg or foot because you've been driving quite decently for the last 20 minutes, neither is it your arm, shoulder, or hand because you've been steering with both hands, which makes me think it's your ribs." 

"How the hell did you get all that?" 

"I'm deductive."  She simply states. 

"Well if you must know, I bruised my ribs," probably, "but don't worry about it. I'm just going to put an ice pack on it and some arnica cream." 

She looks over at me with a calculating look. "Fine, just be more careful, and also, I shouldn't have to deduce that you got injured, just tell me next time." 

"I have been, I just didn't think it was all that necessary for me to tell you I got a bruise."

"I guess not." She sighs. 

"Cool, so we're past this?" 

"Yeah, we're cool. As long as you take care of your ribs when we get home." 

"Of course I'm going to take care of my ribs Pipes. Gods, you sound like Schwoz." I groan. 

She gasps dramatically, punching me in the arm. "You take that back! I sound nothing like Schwoz!" 

I crack a smile despite the throbbing in my ribs and now arm. "If you say so."

"Yeah! I say so!" She exclaims, a hint of a laugh creeping in. 

"Alright! I get it." I laugh. "You're nothing like Schwoz." 

"Thank you." She half heartedly grumbles. 

- time skip - 
2 Hours Previous

Throwing on a pair of pyjama pants and a hoodie was not an easy feet with the shooting pains in my side, but I made do. Ignoring the to urge simply lie down on the bed and not open my eyes until sometime next week, I go to the bathroom where I'd find a tube of arnica cream and take it back to my room. Standing in front of the body mirror leaning against the wall, I slowly lift my hoodie up to see my left side to see a large, light purple coloured bruise on my side. Touching it lightly, I feel the heat from the bruise but nothing unusual underneath, relieved that they weren't broken, I send a text to Piper. 

Henry: Just bruised. 

Piper: Ok, there's a pot of tea on if you want some. 

Henry: Thanks. 

Piper: Do you want me to get you a mug?

Henry: Nah, I got it.

I kind of regretted not asking for a cup of tea to be brought up as I faced  the stairs, but it was too late now. Slowly, I make my way down to the kitchen, ignoring the screams of my side. 

With a mug of tea in hand, I slowly make my way up to my room, positioning myself ever so slightly to the right to alleviate some of the pain aching in my side. 

When finally I made it up to my bed, I felt like I had climbed a mountain. My breath wouldn't come easily and my side felt like it was being destroyed. I ease myself down on the pillow, careful not to jostle my side. I close my eyes, hoping to get some shut eye, I can deal with my injury in the morning. I try to melt into my mattress but it's just not as welcoming as it normally is. The normally cloud like memory foam of my mattress seemed to contort around my body, squeezing my side uncomfortably. 

Henry Danger OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon