
Strength: Wayfinding

POV: You

By Mahal- you bite your tongue, though exasperated at the rest of the Company, and examine this ravine with a careful eye. At some point, you've all lost the path through the dense forest of Mirkwood, and now as your companions frantically backtrack, you put your knack for wayfinding to good use. Logically, you consider, if this is a ravine, there has to an end to it to the left and right- but how far? You look up, but the thick canopy hides the sun and prevents any breeze from entering the woods from above. Your gaze does a full flip and you kneel, scanning the earth for any signs. The footprints of the Company seem to angle toward the ravine from your left as you face the cliff and so you rely on luck and instinct to show you the way.

Not bothering to alert your friends in case your suspicion is wrong, you rise and head into the brush, kicking the soil harshly every few steps in case you need to find your way back. A pair of footsteps behind you pauses, then resumes and follows you.

"Mhede?" You don't need to look back to know who it is. "Where are you going?"

"Trust me." He doesn't reply, only speeds up a moment to catch up to you, and you take it that he believes in you despite not knowing why you're headed this way. Sure enough, and to your relief, the path materializes out of seemingly nowhere in just a few minutes' time, and you finally look to Fili as he beams at you. 

You thank him for his trust with your eyes and he reaches out and squeezes your hand, replying earnestly, "I knew you'd find the way."

Your smile curves into a half-smirk. "You knew?"

"I knew."

A moment of silence lapses between you two and you feel like the right words to say are just beyond your reach- luckily, a fleet-footed Ori crashes through the brambles and saves you as he starts shouting that you and Fili found the path.

"It was all Mhede," Fili corrects and you smile modestly, and it's only when Kili appears and glances between you and his brother with a smirk that you realize you're still holding hands and let go, a light heat creeping up your neck. The rest of the Company shows up in quick succession and Thorin thanks you for tracking down the path again before you all get walking along once more.

HCIOY: He didn't know you had such strength in deductively finding your way, and considering how you pretty much just saved the Company with that skill, he's very impressed and appreciative. And when you let him hold your hand then- his heart is certainly more glad and hopeful than it was just a short time ago.

YCIOH: His genuine excitement at seeing you succeed has thrilled your heart and made you wonder if that warmth in his eyes whenever you meet his gaze could be meant for you...


Strength: Crafting music boxes

POV: You

You squint through the magnifying glasses you're wearing, concentrating hard. Click. A small smile graces your face. There are few things you find joy in as of late, and this is one of them. Slipping the glasses on top of your hair, that of which is pulled into a messy bun with stray locks escaping to and fro, you turn over your contraption and examine it with satisfaction. It's just about done, it just needs a box to go in, with a glass lid. Well, after one final test, of course.

"Tirnethêl?" You turn from your workbench so swiftly, the glasses fall back on your nose and you have to push them back up, blushng a little, to see Kili standing at the top of the stairs to this small chamber. Sometimes you wonder if you're actually full elf, considering your noticeable lack of grace. 

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