How You Meet (and so it begins!)

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(Hello, my darling readers! Just a quick note here I forgot to mention prior to this chapter- these stories will feature a female character/reader. I apologize for not mentioning this before now.)

(Note number 2: much apologies for the extreme variation in story lengths here- I certainly got a bit carried away with some of these!)

Thorin Oakenshield: 

You are visiting your cousin Bilbo Baggins at Bag End one lovely spring evening to find an odd symbol scratched onto his front door. You tilt your head and place your hands on your hips, confused. He just had that door painted a few weeks ago, surely he doesn't mean to redecorate so soon, and so peculiarly? You knock and soon enough your cousin opens the door in a fit of grumbling. Once he sees it's only you, however, he visibly relaxes. 

"Oh, Amaranth, thank goodness it's you! My home is being infested by dwarves and I-" Your eyes widen and you brush past him, heading straight for the dining room where you can hear voices, not even bothering to take off your jacket. And there indeed, seated around a small red-oak table by the fireplace, are four dwarves, deep in jovial conversation. You sit down among them immediately and ask all about why they're here, who they are, and once you learn these things, how you might be able to assist in their quest. Bilbo stands in the corridor, leaned against the wall and listening, relieved you are taking control of the situation like this. Classic Amaranth, always knowing what to do in situations like these- and that's why you're his favorite cousin, despite your peculiar inclination to wishes of adventure.

It is right after a lively (albeit incredibly messy) supper that a stiff knocking echoes from the front door. 

"He is here," announces Gandalf the Grey, and you see a flash of apprehension cross his wizened face. You rise and head to the door, nodding briefly at Bilbo as he twiddles his thumbs in an armchair nearby, having been in a miserable emotional state since the raiding of his pantry began, and tug your vest straight as move to greet this new, apparently important arrival. The round door swings open with its usual low creak and you are nearly frozen by the sight of a dwarf, one late to the party it seems. He just radiates greatness and is clearly the noble Thorin Oakenshield who has been described to you by two of the other dwarves, Fili and Kili.

 You bow to him respectfully, but he doesn't acknowledge the gesture at all and merely walks in, complaining to Gandalf about having difficulty finding Bilbo's home as he casually hands you his navy cloak to hang up. You are quite unimpressed and so, scowling at the way he brushed you off twice just now, toss the cloak back into his arms and cut off Gandalf with an exasperated, "The coat pegs are just yonder, your lordliness," before heading back to the dining room, shaking your head at the behavior of the leader of this Company.

Your First Impression of Him (YFIOH): He's rather haughty and standoffish, you suppose, considering the way he greeted you. All in all- you're certainly not impressed in the slightest by this supposedly-great King Under the Mountain.

His First Impression of You (HFIOY): You're not very respectful, he thinks. Along with that, you're even shorter than he is- a bit of a laughing factor considering Gandalf has just now informed him how eager you are to go on this journey with the Company. Will you even be able to ride a pony, you're so small? he wonders, rather amusedly, although he's still annoyed at how you talked back to him a moment ago.


You go to the Shire with your grandfather Balin for the final meeting about the quest to Erebor. You get to meet your grand-uncle for the first time (Dwalin) and he's certainly a pleasant fellow. Mr. Bilbo Baggins, the Company's potential burglar, seems to be at his wits' end and very confused at to what on earth is going on and why there are three dwarves in his home, so you pull him aside for a moment to ask him if he's alright- and then there's another knock on the door. 

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