How Embarrassing

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(A/N: All of these are set as the story moves forward, not like the last part where they were all at random points in the past or present)


You and Thorin are strolling along through Beorn's immense garden, taking this rare moment to relax and unwind before the quest continues tomorrow, when you happen upon a huge tree with branches almost like stairs. You convince Thorin, who's in an exceptionally agreeable mood, to climb up it a ways with you, and you soon find a nook in the trunk about fifteen feet up where you can both sit comfortably, with room for enough personal space so it isn't awkward. Just as you're continuing on your pleasant conversation, you hear two familiar voices approaching the base of the tree. You're about to call down and say hello to Thorin's nephews when he asks you to stay silent and- here he smiles with uncharacteristic mischief -suggests to climb down quietly and scare them instead. 

You agree with an equally impish grin and begin to scramble down, stealthy as a Ringwraith in the black of night, but halfway to the bottom, Thorin close behind, you hear your name and pause. Thorin stops too, hearing his own name soon after, and you drop another few feet to listen better while he climbs down on the other side of the large trunk. 

"-why, yes, that's what I was saying! You saw how he looked at her before, so longing but masking it with distrust." 

"Think of how she was always trying to prove that she was worthy to him while also feigning indifference-" 

"-and she still is now, but without that front!" 

"Exactly my point! I saw something, just a few days ago, that really proves it. She was wincing over and over because her eye- er, what was left of it -was hurting so much, and she couldn't sleep, and Uncle apparently thought everyone else was slumbering, but no, I was up, and I saw as he went to her, took her in his arms, and sang her to sleep!"

"What tune?" 

"'Misty Mountains'." 

"Figures. No matter, though, you are certainly right, that happenstance must be a clear example of their deep, powerful, endless love for each other!" 

Your jaw drops and you feel your heart speed up quite a bit as your cheeks flame crimson. You had been sure no one else was awake at that time! It was a sweet memory, yes, but now, listening to Fili and Kili gossip about it, you only feel embarrassed to have been observed. Wishing to hear no more of this, you deftly drop out of the tree before the brothers and send them each a fierce but calm glare as you bid them a curt goodbye, then stiffly hurry away. It's a shame that you didn't stay to hear Thorin berating them, as you would have been able to see just how red his cheeks were and how mild his attempts were to convince his nephews that you weren't meant for each other...

HCIOH (His Current Impression of You): He's fairly certain he fancies you, but he has not a clue what to do about his quickly-growing affections. His nephews' gossip angered him, not only by how it embarrassed you, but at how much his heart leaped when Kili decreed that you 'just have to be in love'. He's frightened, to be entirely honest, by these strange and strong emotions, and he's worried that they will spiral out of control, just like his anger did when he saw Azog the Defiler alive- his lack of self-discipline cost you your eye. He is very concerned that if he isn't able to keep these feelings in check, something bad might happen to you again, and he's sure he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he should cause that to occur.

YCIOH (Your Current Impression of Him): You're very embarrassed by what's just happened, most of all by realizing Fili saw the sweet, warm, cozy moment you and Thorin had a few nights ago. Knowing it wasn't private sours your view, as if it was much less intimate than if it had been unobserved, and feeling like that just makes you want to cry. Some deep urge in your heart is pushing you to get upset at all this, and the persistence of it frightens you. What is this feeling, so sudden and new?

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