You Connect For a Moment

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This is either gonna be reaallyyy cuuuutee or really sad so uh I'll put a little note for the mood of each part before ya jump into the story. Hope you like!

Oh! And this continues on the current storyline for all characters :)

Thorin: (Note: a few grisly descriptions here, just a little warning)

Mood: A little tense, but sweet

The eagles have saved the Company from near-certain death and are now depositing each member on a high rock spire just beyond the last of the Misty Mountains. You have been drifting in and out of consciousness since the end of the battle and have fallen into a firmly awakened state of pain. Thorin has just been woken by Gandalf, and although he's fairly wounded, he stands with the help of a few of his comrades. For a long moment, he simply stares at you, at the bloody crevice where your left eye was only a short while ago as Gandalf waves his hand over your face. You are kneeling, hands propping your body up as the agony begins to dim with the wizard's aid. One he backs away, you haul yourself to your feet, wrenching open your remaining eye to see all your companions watching you worriedly. Thorin looks unexpectedly angry. You brace yourself for a 'you fool, I had that in the bag' speech- and apparently here it is:

"Did I not say you would be a burden?" he begins, and you wince, swallowing back hot tears. 

"Did I not say you would be too weak?" You open your mouth for an angry retort, hurt quite a bit by his words, but then he steps forward, his intense expression melting into one of... apology? 

"I have never been more wrong." He pulls you close to him, arms wrapping around you in a fierce hug, and the rest of the Company (minus Gandalf, who just stands there with his typical, all-knowing smile) cheers as you hug him back, surprised at his change of heart. 

"I owe you my life," he commends you as he steps back and you smile softly in reply, hurt feelings forgotten. He turns around and reaches for Bilbo Baggins- who is, understandably, alarmed at the gesture -and also hugs your cousin, thanking him for all the help he's given the group thus far. You let out a shaky sigh, your heart pounding abnormally fast, and turn to look behind you, to behold the majesty of the Lonely Mountain on the near horizon.

His Current Impression Of You (HCIOY): Even after all the disdain he's shown toward you, you still saved him. He'll never forget your sacrifice as long as he lives. There's a sudden strength in his heart appearing just now, one that he's never felt before- but he decides to ignore it (for now) as hope for the success of the quest.

Your Current Impression Of Him (YCIOH): Yes, you saved him. You could pass that off to yourself as loyalty to your leader. But at the cost of your eye? With the fluttering in your heart after his apology and hug? Convincing yourself it was only loyalty just became a lot harder.

Fili: (Note: Remember that moment of dialogue? It's baaaaacckkk)

Mood: Pleasant, sweet

"I will readily admit I never learned to dance. Care to teach me?" 

Fili grins at you and, not bothering to reply verbally, pulls you onto the 'dance floor', a spot made in this inn by moving a lot of tables and chairs into convenient corners. You, naturally, step on your own feet and Fili's a whole lot, twirl in the wrong many times, and overall start off pretty hopelessly. Slowly but surely, with Fili's guidance and one of his hands on your back and the other holding your own hand, you begin to find the rhythm and have fun with the dancing. All the while, as you spin and step, Fili's eyes are on you, and you don't feel uncomfortable at all but rather pleased by the attention. The faster dances wind down with the waning evening and when a slower song begins to play, you move to take a seat and rest- but Fili pulls you back with a gentle hand. You sway together in pleasant silence, your cheeks warm and smile shy, and as the song comes to an end, you can't help but wonder...

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