Someone Talks to Him About His Feelings For You

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These are set at various points in the story, some drawing it forward and some in the past, so I'll make a note of when this occurs for each story :)


Set: On the way to Mirkwood, having just left Beorn's homestead; continuing the story.

Fili and Kili have approached their uncle tonight and pulled him aside 'for a little chat', then promptly proceed with asking probing questions about what he thinks of you. 

"Don't you think she's beautiful?" 

"Isn't she brave?" 

"How much are you attracted to her on a scale from one to ten?" 

"Why do you think she sacrificed her eye for you?" 

"ENOUGH!" Thorin cries, uncomfortably caught off guard by their interrogation, "I care not to answer your foolish questions." And with that, he hurries away and finds a spot at the edge of camp to be alone with his thoughts. At first, he grumbles to himself about his nephews' ridiculous meddling, but soon enough, his mind turns to their last question, asked by Fili, and he begins to ponder: why did you leap forward to save him then, knowing well that you were putting yourself in grave danger?

The Effect on Him (TEOH): He's begun to question something about you that you might not even realize yourself...


Set: On the way to the homestead of Gandalf's potential ally (Beorn) after the shocking fight against Azog the Defiler on the mountainside cliff; continuing the story.

Kili decides it's about time he spoke to his brother about how he (Fili) feels for you, and so draws him aside right after supper while you are helping Oin and Bofur set up shelter for the night. 

"Quite a lady, isn't she?" Kili teases and Fili chuckles as he discerns the purpose of this conversation. 

"Yes, indeed." His younger brother scans him up and down, his smirk fading into a soft smile as he realizes: 

"You love her, don't you?" Fili gazes across the glade with a soft smile, the breeze tousling your hair and the fading firelight giving your skin a warm glow. 

"Yes, I do," he admits, his heart skipping a beat as he says it, and Kili gives a whoop of excitement. You look over and they both casually wave with unusually large smiles. You raise your hand in return before kneeling and looking back at your work to knock a peg in the ground. 

"Oh, this is wonderful, brother! Thorin will surely approve, she's Balin's granddaughter, after all, we'll just ask him when we get the chance, and I'd find it impossible to believe if she says she doesn't feel the same for you in return, and-" As he goes on and on, Fili just stares at you fondly, hoping desperately that you do, indeed, love him as he loves you.

TEOH: Now that Fili really considers it, his brother is right. Everything needed for a smooth relationship is right there already, he just needs to know the final piece for certain; that would be you saying, directly to him, 'I love you, Fili'.


Set: On the way to Erebor after Smaug's defeat, right before the crumpled front gates, continuing the story.

Fili motions for you, Bofur, and Oin to head in before him and Kili, and the three of you do so with waves and smiles of relief at finally making it to Erebor. Fili turns to his brother with a grim expression and proceeds to reveal his worries about Thorin distrusting you so much he may even kick you out of the Mountain. Kili admits he's fearing this too but has decided that if such an instance happens, he's going too. Fili winces and places a hand on his shoulder, searching for the right way to put this. 

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