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A Moment In Which You Demonstrate One of Your Strengths #1

(A/N: These are selected from the chapter Seven Select Strengths of Yours.)


Strength: Stealth

Point of View (POV): Thorin

Well, isn't this a fantastic turn of events? Thorin Oakenshield narrows his eyes at the elven guard sauntering past his cell, silently stewing. Held as prisoners by the king of Mirkwood as if the Company are thieving lowlifes. Ridiculous! Worse yet, he hasn't a clue as to where you are being imprisoned, and this lack of knowledge scares him, though he'd never admit it to a soul. His companions are held behind bars all around him, but the rightful King Under the Mountain can only see a few from where he stands. Some of the younger dwarves who were protesting their captivity and singing boisterous songs that sneered at the elves have gone silent by now. Night has fallen, from what Thorin can tell, but he, nor the rest of the Company, it seems, doesn't feel like getting any sleep. 

Footsteps approach from Thorin's left, then murmured voices. At first, he assumes a guard, but then again, why would a guard be conversing in low tones with whoever stood in his neighboring cell? A familiar face appears, hair pulled back in a way he hasn't seen before, before him and Thorin's face splits into a smile as he nearly lunges forward, gripping the bars. 

You dangle a key ring before him, smirking in a way that pleasantly ruffles his feathers, and ask, your voice low so as to remain discreet, "Looking for these?"

As Bilbo Baggins slips past with a quick nod to Thorin, probably going to warn the rest of the Company to keep quiet as they're freed, you deftly unlock to the cell and open it with a slight creak of the hinges. Immediately, Thorin wraps you in a hug, surprised at first but then not at all at how he missed your familiar scent and presence. 

"Magnificent," he mutters into your hair and takes note when you hand the keys over to Bilbo- he takes this to mean you don't mind his delaying you but want to get going soon. When he steps back, he notices with pleasure how your cheeks have turned pink.

"I am only doing what I should," you protest humbly and Thorin's gaze turns teasingly questioning. "... However, any bit of praise from you is nice."

"And well-deserved." As about two-thirds of the Company gather by Thorin, awaiting his leadership, Bilbo frees the rest and your smile grows at Balin's quick words of commendation. Thorin gestures for his companions to follow their resident burglar's directions downward, but pauses you for a moment more. 

His gaze wanders over your face for a beat and, with a small smile, he says, "I like what you've done with your hair. It suits you." Your blush and smile in return make him feel like a young dwarf being heaped upon with adulation, and he dares to touch your back as he nods his head for you to follow the others.

His Current Impression of You (HCIOY): He's quite impressed by your (and Bilbo's) surreptitious ploy, freeing the Company from right under the elves' noses! Whether it was that smirk you gave him as you held up the cell keys, the undeniable feelings in his heart for you, or both, something emboldened his words tonight, and considering your response, he means to keep it up.

Your Current Impression of Him (YCIOH): He flustered you tonight, for sure, but his words and actions also calmed your nerves this risky escape. Not to mention his compliment about your new 'do sent your heart a-flutter. Maybe you'll put your hair up like this more often...

LOTR/Hobbit ~Collection of Preferences~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora