Just A Lighthearted Moment

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"I have seen terrible things, Amaranth, and sometimes I wonder if there is still good left in this world. And then I look at you and I believe there is again."

- Thorin to you one night when you are having a deep, meaningful conversation


"Could I ask something of you?"

"Of course."

"When I die, would you remember me fondly?"

"I would never think of you otherwise."

- You to Fili in a moment where you feel a horrid impending sense of distant doom


"What are you thinking of, with that smile on your face?"

"You, lovely, always you."

- You to Kili when you see him smiling for the first time all week, then him replying in a typical flirtatious manner- only you are saddened when you see his heart is only half in it


"Could you hold this for me, please?"

"That- that's your hand, Aili."

"I know."

- You, offering your hand to hold Bilbo's, then him blushing as he points out the obvious, and finally you, smirking as you respond that you did, in fact, mean the flirtatious gesture


"Just one day more. And then one more. That is what I say when I feel like giving up. Each step toward that mountain is one more step back to him and home."

- You to your brother Frodo, relating to him what- and who -you dream of returning to after you destroy the One Ring; by 'home' you mean both the Shire and the warmth you feel when you are around Legolas


"You're the one who's been sending me the flowers every morning?"

"I hope you are not disappointed-"

"I'm not, no, on the contrary- I'm delighted."

- You when Thranduil shows up at your door one morning with a lovely bouquet of flowers, the same kind you've been receiving every day this week and your favorite kind, then him frowning slightly as he responds, and then you take the flowers with a smile and a hug, cutting him off slightly


"You have such a wonderful smile, Lindir. I mean that in all earnest."

- You to Lindir, who then blushes and glances down at the book in his hands in a poor attempt to hide the grin spreading across his face


"I- I'm so special, I outlasted the moon!"

"Did you get any sleep at all last night?"

"Ah... no."

"Go to bed, Tiram. I'll make sure no one disturbs you. Sleep."

- You to Elrond when he finds you still hunched over the same notes and diagrams you were studying twelve hours ago- yesterday; he furrows his brow as he replies in a worried manner, then you respond, blinking deliriously, in the negative to his question, and then he ushers you out of your study and into your adjacent bedroom, shaking his head fondly as he directs you to get some sleep

LOTR/Hobbit ~Collection of Preferences~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ