Confessions ~ Elrond

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It is a cold night in the observatory

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It is a cold night in the observatory. You have bundled yourself up in furs, draping a floppy hat over your head to cover your ears. Elrond stands at the door, but you do not notice him until he calls you by name:


"Hmm?" Still, you do not look up from your work. Tonight is a big night! So much to do, so much work, so much to discover.



"... What are you doing?"

You shoot your star maps a peculiar glance in lieu of meeting his gaze. "The same as usual."

"Ah." He waits for a beat as you bustle around. "Your hat is... nice."

The realization comes too late and you strike the thing off your head, cheeks filling with heat. Tossing it aside, you grumble at his teasing and rummage through a drawer.


"What is it?"

"Do you have a little time to speak to me?"

"Not particularly." You glance up, finally, and wince at the look on his face. "I am sorry, I'm very busy tonight."

"No, no..." He nods slowly. "I understand."

You aren't quite sure what to say to that and so renew your focus upon your studies. Adjusting your telescope, you notice he remains. Whatever he has to say isn't going to wait. Unfortunately, you're not fully paying attention.

"... love you."


"I must know if..."

His words fade in and out of your attention and you only catch snippets. Your mind spins and you keep your eye firmly affixed to the lens of your precious device. He beckons you by name, his voice closer, and you turn, meaning to find your desk.

His hands on your shoulders slow you, his kiss on your lips halts you entirely.

You splutter, confused, as he steps back, brow furrowed.


By the candlelight, the moonlight, the starlight, you reach up to his chin and pull him down with the strength of a dwarvess intent on expressing her love. He responds to the embrace and you wonder how you could have thought anything in all of Middle Earth could be more important than this.

He whispers your name, caressing your cheek. You smile.

"What were you trying to say, just now?" you ask, your voice at the same volume as his.

"I must know-" A kiss upon your brow. "-if you feel for me the same I feel for you."

You can't help but laugh. "Oh, that's all?"

He seems half-crestfallen, and you pull him into yet another kiss to reassure him.

"I thought someone had died, or we were going to war, or something of that kind."

It is his turn to chuckle. "How much does it say that I was more nervous for this than any fearsome calamity?"

"Well," you hum, enjoying his arms wrapping loosely around you, "it says quite a bit."

"I love you."

You light up like the twinkling in tonight's heavens to hear him say it straight out.

"And I love you."

His joy mimics your own. You allow yourself to stay in the moment for a few seconds longer; with an almost solemn softness, you turn back toward your work, and he groans his discontent. You protest, expressing your need to focus on this phenomenal night and he sighs, shaking his head.

"As long as I can stay."

You lead him to a settee, smiling, and kiss his cheek when he takes a seat, his posture as straight as a sturdy old oak.

"Of course, you can stay."

His gaze flickers to your lips, glad to see you're already leaning in.


YCIOH: Imagine that! You were expecting to spend all night studying, watching the constellations inch across the sky until the dawn hid them from your view. Instead, you've received a confession and a kiss and a true, earnest love. Each time you glance over to him on the settee, waiting patiently for your work to conclude although you both know only the sunrise will chase you to sleep, you cannot help but smile. He mouths it to you, over and over, that wonderful thing, and you have to turn back to your charts before you find yourself running over to fall into his arms for all eternity... or, at least, for the rest of the darkened morning.

HCIOY: You love him. You love him? You love him. The idea is almost too much for an elf lord already on the precipice of terror from the anticipation of this very moment. And here he is, watching you at the very thing you love the most- other than him. Is that a fair assertion? From the way you keep looking over as if longing to race into his embrace, he judges he's not that far off the mark.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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