It was so much worse than Rebecca had expected it to be. She had expected shock - even anger - but she had not been prepared for the looks of utter betrayal and hurt that had crossed the faces of Alec, Magnus and Isabelle when they caught sight of her on the throne.

"Welcome, citizens of Edom," said Sebastian, his lips curling up. "Welcome to your new world."

Luke's hand immediately went to his belt, but it was Alec who moved fastest: one hand to his bow and the other to the quiver at his back, the arrow nocked and flying before Rebecca could shape the cry for him to stop.

The arrow flew straight toward Sebastian and buried itself in his chest. He staggered back from the force of it, and Rebecca heard a gasp ripple down the line of Dark Shadowhunters. A moment later Sebastian regained his balance and, with a look of annoyance, pulled the arrow from his chest. It was stained with blood.

"Fool," he said. "You can't hurt me; nothing under Heaven can." He flung the arrow at Alec's feet. "Did you think you were an exception?"

Alec's eyes flicked toward Jace; it was minute, but Sebastian caught the glance, and grinned.

"Ah, yes," he said. "Your hero with the heavenly fire. But it's gone, isn't it? Spent on rage in the desert at a demon of my sending." He snapped his fingers, and a spark of icy blue shot from them, rising like a mist. For a moment Rebecca's view of Jace was obscured; a moment later she heard a cough and gasp, and Jace sat up and rose to his feet. Beside him, Clary stirred. Jace immediately caught her and helped her stand.

Their faces drained of color as they took in the room full of warriors, their friends standing horrified around them, and lastly, Rebecca, sitting on the throne.

"Would you like to try to kill me? You have plenty of weapons there. If you feel like you'd like to try slaying me with the heavenly fire, now is your chance." Sebastian opened his arms wide. "I won't fight back."

"Jace," Isabelle hissed. "Jace, do it. Stab him. Go on-"

But Jace was shaking his head. His hand had been at his weapons belt; slowly he lowered it to his side. Isabelle gave a cry of despair; the look on Alec's face was just as bleak, though he stayed silent.

Sebastian lowered his arms to his sides. "You all are alive because Rebecca wants you alive. There is no other reason."

"You told her you wouldn't kill us if she ascended the throne," Jace said. His voice was without inflection. He hadn't met her eyes even once. No one had, except Isabelle. "Didn't you?"

"Not exactly," said Sebastian. "I offered her something much more... substantial than that."

"The world," Magnus said. He appeared to be upright through sheer force of will. His voice sounded like gravel was tearing at his throat, and for the first time since he had entered the room, Rebecca registered just how weak he looked. Something was seriously wrong with him. "You're sealing the borders between our world and this one, aren't you? If you close the gateway, you are no longer splitting your powers between two worlds. All your force will be concentrated here. With all your power concentrated in this dimension, you will be well-nigh invincible here."

"If he seals the borders, how will he get back to our world?" Isabelle demanded.

"He won't," said Magnus. "None of us will. The gates between the worlds will close forever, and we will be trapped here."

"Trapped," Sebastian mused. "Such an ugly word. You'll be... guests." He grinned. "Trapped guests."

"That's what you offered her," Magnus said. "You told her if she would agree to rule beside you here, you would close the borders and leave our world in peace. Rule in Edom, save the world. Right?"

"You're very perceptive," Sebastian said after a brief pause. "It's annoying."

"Rebecca, no!" Alec cried out. He started towards the dais, but was immediately cut off by the Endarkened. "Don't do this-"

"I have to," she said, and though her voice sounded weak to her own ears, it caught and carried across the room. Suddenly, everyone's eyes were on her. "If I don't, he'll kill everyone in our world. Destroy everything. Millions, billions of people. He'll turn our world to this." She gestured toward the window that looked out onto the burned plains of Edom. "It's worth it. It has to be. He won't hurt me. I believe it."

Jocelyn spoke for the first time since entering the room. "You think you can change him, temper him, make him better, because you're the only thing he cares about," Jocelyn said. "I know Morgenstern men. It doesn't work. You'll regret-"

"I already do, Jocelyn," Rebecca said. Her voice almost cracked, but she forced herself to remain stoic and in control. "Can you trust me that this is the only way to save you all? To save our world?" She shifted her gaze to Sebastian. "I accept your offer, Sebastian. I will be your queen."

Sebastian snapped his fingers. "You heard her," he said. "All of you. Kneel to your queen."

No! Rebecca wanted to yell out, but she forced herself to keep her mouth shut. One by one, the Endarkened began to kneel, their heads bowed; the last to kneel was Amatis, and she did not bow her head.

Her fingers began to tremble. She wanted to bury her face in her hands. She hated this, hated every minute of it.

Magnus was the first to kneel. Rebecca would never have guessed it - Magnus was so proud. But then, it was a pride that transcended the emptiness of gestures. She doubted he felt any shame at having to kneel when it meant nothing to him.

Alec followed Magnus, then Isabelle, then Simon, then Luke, drawing Clary's mother down beside him. And lastly Jace, his blond head bowed, went to his knees, and Rebecca heard the window behind her shatter into pieces, erasing any hope of returning to Alicante. It sounded like her breaking heart.

Glass rained down; behind it was only stone. No more Alicante.

"It is done. The paths between the worlds are closed." Sebastian wasn't smiling, but he looked incandescent. As if he were blazing.

He ran toward the platform, took the steps two at a time, and reached up to catch Rebecca's hands; she let him draw her down from the throne until she stood in front of him. His hands felt cool against her own. "You accept it," he said. "You accept your choice?"

"I accept it," she said softly. "I do."

"Then kiss me," he said. "Kiss me like you love me."

She had been expecting this; nevertheless, it didn't keep the uneasy feeling in her stomach at bay. She looked right into his eyes, focusing on the silver ring around his iris. She remembered the green-eyed boy she had seen in her vision, the one whom she really loved. The boy she had seen in the little moments in between. She remembered the kiss they had shared at the Santa Monica Pier. Even though Sebastian had taken a lot from her, he had given her something.

She slid one arm around his shoulder and pressed her lips to his. It felt exactly as it had the first time she had kissed him. Sebastian shuddered under her touch, and his hands slipped down to her waist.

She pulled away from him and pressed her lips to his ear. "Goodbye, Jonathan."

Sebastian pulled away in surprise. "What-"

Quick as lightning, Rebecca pulled Heosphoros from her belt and pushed the blade into his rib cage, right where his heart was.

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