3: Blood on Your Hands

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Rebecca awoke with a start, her heart slamming against her rib cage. She had fallen into an uneasy sleep sometime last night, her dreams peppered with faceless monsters, blurry faces, and Max. Always Max.

The room was still dark. Untangling herself from the blankets, she pushed the curtains aside. It was probably very early in the morning - the sky was still a deep, hazy blue and birds chirped from the trees. The air was crisp and cold, and the streets outside were deserted. She vaguely registered the absence of canals - they were no longer in Venice.

Suddenly feeling thirsty, she wrenched open the door - and froze, her mouth falling open. There was a bloody handprint on the wall. There were dark puddles on the floor, looking almost black in the early morning light. A single long, dark smear of blood marked the wall opposite.

A door opened, and Sebastian stepped out, his silvery-white hair rumpled, his expression playful. Behind him came two girls, both looking sleep rumpled and carrying six-inch heels in their hands. One was fair, a little scantily dressed, in a glittering short skirt and spangled top. The other was younger, softer-looking, with black hair cut short, a red velvet band around her head, and a lacy black dress.

Vampire, Rebecca thought immediately. She could tell just by looking at her. The vampire grinned at her, showing pointed teeth. Clearly, she knew that Rebecca knew. The mundane girl caught sight of Rebecca, then looked back at Sebastian with a high-pitched giggle that made Rebecca's ears hurt. "È lei tua amica?"

Rebecca knew a little Italian, courtesy of Jace, but the girl spoke with an accent so pronounced she could barely make out a word.

Sebastian looked up, saw Rebecca standing in the doorway, and his smile faded. "No lei non è."

The mundane girl started laughing hysterically as she followed Sebastian down the stairs. The vampire shot Rebecca one last ageless smile before following the other two.

Rebecca stood still for a minute, completely nonplussed, and then dashed down the stairs. The downstairs room was empty except for Sebastian, who turned to look at her as she came up behind him.

"What are you doing up?" He sounded genuinely surprised.

"What am I doing?" she said, her voice far too shrill for her liking. "What are you doing?"

"Getting some towels to clean up the mess." He jerked his head towards the stairs. "Vampires and their games..."

"And the mundane was alright with it?"

"She got a little frightened at the sight of fangs. Sometimes they do." At the look on Rebecca's face, he laughed. "She came around. Even wanted more. You saw for yourself that she's alive and kicking."

"Yeah..." Rebecca mumbled uncomfortably, sliding onto a kitchen stool. She suddenly felt self-conscious. She had bolted downstairs without a second thought, and she figured she probably looked horrible. Her guess was confirmed when she caught sight of herself in the glass-fronted kitchen cabinet. 'Horrible' was an understatement. Her hair was everywhere, and there were sleep lines on her cheek where she had mushed her face into the pillow.

"Wine?" Sebastian said, holding the bottle out to her.

Rebecca cast an eye at the clock, thought about reminding him that it was six in the morning, then decided against it. He could rot his insides with alcohol for all she cared. "Just water, thanks."

He poured out two glasses of mineral water - one for her, and one for himself. His movements were smooth and fluid, like a dancer's. He pushed a glass towards her with one hand, the other tipping his glass toward his lips. When he was done, he slammed the glass back down on the counter. "You probably know this, but fooling around with vampires certainly makes you thirsty."

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