5: 'Til Death Do Us Part

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Rebecca's feet had definitely seen better days. She pulled off her left boot with a wince and inspected the angry red welts that had sprung up everywhere. Gingerly, she placed her feet on the floor and stood up – but almost immediately, she was forced to sit back down on the bed; the pain was too much. Demon ichor normally didn't cause such serious burns, but an Elapid demon's blood was particularly poisonous. It didn't help that she hadn't been wearing her usual Shadowhunter gear either.

Jace had already marked her with an iratze, even though they could do little against burns caused by demon blood. It hadn't done much by way of healing, but it had reduced the pain. But during the short trip from the antique shop back to the apartment, it had worn off, and her feet were throbbing with pain.

A soft knock sounded on the door. "Come in," Rebecca said, assuming it was Clary.

Sebastian walked in instead. He looked remarkably clean, considering what they had just been through. He'd discarded his stained leather jacket in favor of an antique military coat, which, thrown over his T-shirt, lent him a look of thrift-store chic. He was carrying something in his hands, something black and shiny.

"That looks nasty," he said, throwing the shiny material onto the bed.

"What do you want?" Rebecca said, more weary than angry.

"Here." He presented her with a small bottle – she hadn't noticed him holding it at first.

Her curiosity won out and she inspected the tiny glass bottle. The liquid inside appeared viscous but perfectly clear. "What is it?"

"One drop and you'll feel like a new person."

She must have looked skeptical, because Sebastian rolled his eyes and plucked the bottle out of her hand. "It's an extract of a root found in L'Isle Adam. Quaint little town." Unscrewing the top, he squeezed the dropper onto his tongue. "See? Not poison."

Rebecca still made no move to take it. Sebastian sighed and placed the bottle on the bedside table. "Look, it'll help you with the pain, help heal the burns on your feet. It's your choice if you want to trust me or not." He started towards the door.

"Wait!" Rebecca gestured to the black material on the bed. "What's this?"

His expression changed to a smirk. "A gift. For you."

She picked up the shiny material. It was velvety soft and light as air. "You can't be serious."

"Why not?"

"There's no way I'm wearing this."

"Well, you can hardly visit Prague's best nightclub in that-" he gestured to her torn t-shirt and blood-soaked jeans – "so I suggest you get changed soon." The door banged behind him.

Rebecca's gaze unwillingly shifted to the delicate glass bottle on the bedside table. With a sigh of defeat, she scooped it up and grabbed the black dress from the bed before slamming the bathroom door behind her.

She didn't look too bad, much to her surprise. The dress was short – really short, coming down to her mid-thighs. It was slightly uncomfortable, but she also looked more like Isabelle than ever – which was unusual even though they were twins. For starters, Rebecca's hair was a lighter shade than Isabelle's – almost hazel. And her eyes were grey, while Isabelle's were black. The result was that people almost always thought she was joking when she told them they were twins.

Her eyes caught her own in the mirror. There was no denying it - Rebecca didn't look like the rest of her family, something that people had been quick to point out. Maryse had always brushed them off, but that hadn't stopped the rumors from circulating...

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