6: Into the Dark

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Sebastian regarded the man in front of him, eyes narrowing slightly. "Do you have the information I asked for?"

The fair-haired man standing in front of Sebastian nodded, casting a wary glance around him. The alley they were standing in was deserted, although the street beyond was bustling with vehicles and people. A stray cat cast them a curious glance, then, perhaps deciding they weren't of any interest, turned its attention back to the dead mouse between its paws.

The man pulled out a piece of paper. As he handed it to Sebastian, the sleeve of his shirt edged back to reveal familiar Shadowhunter runes. "There are many Shadowhunters named Mark," he said in his heavy accent. He spoke slowly, as if English was unfamiliar to him. "But only one who ever visited the New York Institute." He tapped the paper Sebastian was holding. "That's him."

Sebastian handed the man a roll of bills. He nodded swiftly, muttered something in Czech, and vanished into the busy street beyond. But Sebastian stood there, gazing at the paper. It showed a boy, of about the same age as Sebastian himself. He had pale hair - almost white - and blue-green eyes. His mouth was pulled back in a wide, mischievous smile.

Slowly, deliberately, Sebastian crushed the paper in between his fingers, his knuckles turning white.


"I need to talk to you."

Clary eyed the grey-eyed Lightwood curiously. She hadn't expected anyone else to be up so early, but she had still avoided going downstairs - she had no desire to run into Sebastian. She shook her head slightly, letting the last vestiges of sleep escape her mind. "Yeah, of course." She moved aside to let Rebecca enter the room.

Rebecca sat on the bed and looked down at her hands. "I think we need to leave, Clary," she said finally.

Clary was taken aback. "Why?"

Rebecca shook her head. "I cannot live in the same house as the person who murdered my brother. It-it's eating me up."

Clary was silent. Rebecca had taken Max's death extremely hard. She had even refused to attend Max's funeral, and had stayed at the Lightwood mansion in Idris, locked in her room for three solid days, refusing to come out even to eat. She couldn't argue with what Rebecca had just said.

Taking a deep breath, she said, "But what about Jace?"

Rebecca shook her head. "I'll do whatever it takes to save Jace. He's my brother, too. But-" She broke off and bit her lip. "I don't trust myself around Sebastian. Every time I'm around him, I have to stop myself from just running him through with a blade. And what would happen to Jace then?" She smiled dryly. "Besides, after last night... I wouldn't be surprised if Sebastian wants to kill me too."

Clary went to sit down beside Rebecca. "Well, I wouldn't take it personally," she said lightly. "Sebastian wants to kill everyone."

Rebecca gave a small smile, to Clary's gratification. "It's not just that," she said. "Last night, I got pretty drunk at the bar. I shouldn't have, but-" she took a deep breath. "Anyway, I called Sebastian by somebody else's name. And he wasn't too happy."

"Somebody else's name?" Clary echoed. She racked her brain, trying to think of anybody else they knew who looked like him-

"Nobody you know," Rebecca said quickly. "The point is, Sebastian is a psychopath. Who knows what he'll do now?"

"But why would he get so angry-" Clary broke off as it dawned on her. "Oh."


"He likes you."

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