#(13) Chasing (part 2)

Start from the beginning

" Oh , I see."

I and she walks very slowly and I am holding a gadget made by myself which through pins like bullet and it faints the person who's been attacked by it. Fatima's holding a stick in her one hand.

We move to the back door and we enter the house.I move slowly and she does so.

I carefully look inside the house with a hole of the door.

"There's no one."

"Maybe he is upstairs."

"Let's go."

I open the door without making any sound and I look around the down floor very carefully. Then I wave my hand to call Fatima inside.She comes.

Then I say,

"You wait here.Let me look upstairs."

Thankfully,she agrees.

I walk steadily on the staircases and I enter the room of upstairs.

My eyes are blown already!

There's sitting Fathima's brother Shahid on a wheelchair and his hands are roped! His mouth is taped! His body is roped with his wheelchair ! His eyes are also covered with a cloth which has some writings !

"Shahid! How did this happen? Who has done this to you!"

I quickly check the room first and then I call Fathima,

"Fathima! Come here!"

Then I start opening his ropes and I remove the tapes from his mouth.No sooner than I removed his tape he says,

"The man fleded! The man.....who brought me here! He has run out that window."

" What! "

I go near the window and I see a rope hanging out with the wall which reaches the ground.He ran with this!

"Shahid! Oh my Allah! Are you okay?"
I hear Fathima's terrified voice.

"Sis, I was watering the plants when a stranger came and asked for a glass of water. I - I thought It was a neighbor!I went to bring water and when I returned at the door he smacked me with a stick! I fainted and when I woke up I saw myself here!"

" Oh no! The killer even reached my house! Alhamdullillah! he didn't do something to you.But how!"

" We need to get him as soon as possible or he may kill more people!"
I say .

I notice tears in Fathima's eyes.She is really sad to see her brother in this condition.But she tries  to hide it in front of Shahid.

"Sis, I am feeling pain in my head! And also in my legs."

" I am so sorry , Shahid! It's all because of me! The killer did this to you to revenge on me! I am really sorry! Oh Allah! Forgive me!"

" No,no,sis, it's not your fault ! You must find the truth! You are doing the right thing!"

I am becoming so emotional to see this brother-sister's affection.But I control myself and I say,

"You both need rest! I have called the police.They are coming!"

"What's this!" Fathima says holding the blindfold in her hand.

" Something 's written there."

" It's written in Hindi I guess."

"Yes, it's Hindi." Shahid says.

" How do you know?"I ask Shahid with a new born curiosity swimming in my mind.

" I have learned Hindi in High school."

" Oh,can you say what's written?" I ask him with darting eyes,as if I had grown suspicions on him. He fails to catch my glance.

" It's written.....Satya ko dhundo,mujhe nahi." He utters fluently,I notice his forehead bleeding crimson blood and also few parts of his skin has grown brown out of pain.


" Find the truth,not me." Fathima mumbles in an absent-minded self while her eyelashes blinks in a reverie.

" What truth? What is the killer trying! He's totally a Mad or phyco!" She continues to rage over the killer.

" It's not the time for that! Whoever he is,he has some connections with India.And he wanted to give us this message and prevent us from catching that person who knows about him.And so he killed that man using the same drug,he killed Mr.Rahim. Now, it's clear that,he is the child of the  friend of Mr.Rahim who visited him that day and killed him." 

" Yah,he knows Hindi and he has been India for sure.Even the pen,you remember? "

" I think we should not discuss that now, Let's take Shahid to hospital.Then we will deal with it."

" That's fine."

I take the handles of the wheelchair of Shahid when Fathima is also about to touch it.I say her,

"Don't worry, I will take of it."

Meanwhile I start to scrutinize Shahid from close. No matter what relationship he posses with Fathima,he is included in this case because of that. And now,he must be kept under my sharp gazes. We can't let our attention weaken at this point. The killer must have other wellmade plans awaiting for us.

We start walking in steady steps, Fathima's face still petrified and her mood engrossed in silence. I notice how worriness has cloaked her jolly face. On a sudden,with a surprise she mutters,


"It's okay, thanks to your Allah.He really didn't let anything happen too bad.You have faith in Allah,right?" I from heart say the words. Surely I am grateful to my Lord for not making anything unbearable for Fathima.

" Subhanallah, I have.He is great.I know Allah will help us."

" That's the Fathima I know." I try to bring back her evergreen self always amusing me.

" But you really helped." The humble part of Fathima speaks on which I warmly smile a bit.

" I know, didn't you say Allah helps those who helps others?"

" No, I didn't say that." She refuses with a mystical smile that melts my heart.

" Really?"

" Yes,you know it on your own."

" That's a rare thing I know." I say with a smile.

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Allah Hafiz ❤️❤️❤️

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