"The meeting is tomorrow, my son."

"Yes. It is."

"Are you going to let her go after it?"

"Yes, father."

Anaya's lips parted as she felt an inch of her heart light up in hope. Ali is going to let her go?

"You're stupid for that, use her for what you can. Why do you care?"

"There's no need. The wealth will be transferred to us, what is the point of keeping her here?"

"Let me refresh your mind of the bullshit Abdul put us through-"

"No, no, no. Please, Ya Allah. Please let me out of here." Anaya thought.

"That man stole our capital- he made me go bankrupt. He ruined my name. That girl is the last of him, and I want every part of him to suffer."

"He's already dead. There's no point." She heard Ali say

Although it hurt, he was correct. Why is she paying for her father's mistakes?

"Wreck her. I hate her, and his family must suffer. Do this in my name."

A silent tear fell out of Anaya's eye. As she left and turned into the other side of the hallway. She was so hurt, and mad. How can this world be so cruel? Anaya cried, as her fate was so miserable.

She ran down the stairs and saw a lot of the people leaving, probably noticing the bride and groom were now gone.

This was her chance she needed to run, she needed to escape. She walked into the kitchen and open one of the long drawers, pulling out a small but very sharp knife, and she slid the non-pointy side into her waistband.

Martha walked into the kitchen and smiled at Anaya putting the plate of empty champagne glasses on the counter.

"Martha, how long till this party ends?" She asked.

"Oh, people are starting to leave now. See?" Martha replied and pointed at the drunk people, some holding on to each other and the others just tumbling out the door.

This was it. This was her chance.

"Okay," Anaya said.

She quickly walked back to her room and changed into something less noticeable as quickly as she could.

She walked out the door, and she saw another wasted girl just leaning against a wall.

"Hey, do you want me to drop you off to your car?"

"Oh! Yes," She muttered.

Anaya puts the girl's arm around her waist and lowers her head to prevent any sight dropping on her.

"Which is your car?" Anaya asked.

"The red Volvo."

Anaya looked around quickly and spotted the red car parallel parked, and she had never moved faster then she did in the next few moments. She dragged the girl and almost ran towards the car, unlocking it with the keys from the girl's purse. She set down the lady in the backseat and turned on the car- locking all doors.

The car's navigation system came on and gave her a few options, so she quickly chose the first that said home, and began speeding out of the premises. Anaya's adrenaline was pumping, she was fiercely shaking.

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