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The avengers underestimate you while watching Clint practice on the shooting\archery range.
Clint draws the arrow back and releases it hits the human cut out right in between the eyes. "47" Peter says. The avengers were just sitting there watching him. Clint draws back again and let's go and hits the cut out right in the forehead. You scoff and everyone looks at you " what? " you say. "Are you judging him" Loki says. "Why?" You say " bet you can't do better" Peter says. "I bet you 160$" Tony says " ok" you say setting your phone down and leaving the room. You walk out to the range and whistle to get clints attention you point your thumb at the viewing room and he walks in. You walk over to a shelf and grab the purple bow and you swing the arrows over your back. You get in position and grab a arrow. You draw it back and let out a long exhale. You let go and hit the target in the heart you load the bow again and hit the target in the red dot. You draw back again but this time with 3 arrows you release and hit all the moving targets in the heart. You set your bow down and walk back in the viewing room. All the avengers just stood there you hold out your hand and Tony gives you the money "good thing I'm rich" Tony says.

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