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You and Steve were making each other mad all day.
"Mia! You left your sweat shirt in the living room again!!" Steve calls you groan and walk downstairs . "What are you going to tell me to Do next? Wash your car" you say. " maybe if you keep acting up" Steve says. You grab your sweat shirt and put it on. You walk in the kitchen and bucky Sam Nat and Tony was in there. "Steve has been torturing me all day" you say sitting down. "Well maybe if you change your attitude then maybe I will be easier on you" Steve says coming in. "Excuse me" you say. Bucky and Sam look up. "Change your attitude" Steve says. " change my attitude? Your the father figure in my life so if I adopted a bad attitude is your star spangled one" you say. Nat chuckles you start walking to the door "take that back!" Steve says " make me! Your not my dad! " you say. "You pissed her off" Sam says. Steve walks after you and grabs your arm. "Take it back" Steve says. "No! Let go of me or so help me I will electrocute you" you say "you wouldn't" Steve says. You raise and eyebrow at him and grab his wrist shocking him. Steve yells in pain you let him go and run up to your room. Steve walks in the kitchen and looks at Nat Sam and Bucky and tony. "What happened" Bucky says. " she shocked me" Steve says. "You asked for it" Tony says. "This is why she is my favorite" Nat says. " what made you think it was a good idea to make a 15 year old an avenger " Steve asks tony. "Her attitude" Tony giggles. " and peter" Steve asks. "Uh he is 16" Tony says. " ok in gift or skill " Steve says. "Uh Peter was bit by a spider and he is technically half spider and mia can shock the shit out of people... And best their ass" Tony says. "Steve it's gonna get worse mia and Peter are dating so that means double the trouble" Bucky says. Steve groans and falls in a chair. Everyone laughs .

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