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You were on Steve's side during the civil war against tony. You protected Bucky when people tried to kill him or turn him in. But whenever Bucky or anyone would accidentally touch you you would jump or flinch. When you were kidnapped by hydra one of the agents raped you and ever since then you always flinched when someone touched you.

"YOU LET THEM GET AWAY!" Fury yelled at you. " there was only two that got away" you say. You held your temper. "MAYA I SENT YOU ON A MISSION TO DO ONE THING! THE ONE THING I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO YOU DID IT!" he yells. " I had to or they would of killed that family" you say. "Last chance maya! You fail another mission I will take your suit for a month" fury yells before walking away. You walk to the training room to punch the bag to relieve stress. You put on your gloves and start punching the bag as hard as you could. You threw a couple kicks. You knew other people were in the training room but you didn't know they were watching you. "Hey can I help you with your kicks?" Steve asks. You nod. He comes over and stands behind you "ok look at the bag and stand in your stance" he says . You do it "see you need to square up your hips a little bit more" Steve says. You do it "No this way" Steve says he puts his hands on your hips. You jump "Oh im so sorry Maya I didn't mean to hurt you" Steve says. "No you didn't hurt me it's nothing" you say putting your gloves down and walking away. Steve looks at you with a worried look. "You know why she flinches Steve" Clint says. " I know I feel so bad. " Steve says. You go out on a walk and as you were walking home something hits you knocking you out.

You wake up and you were tied to a chair. You look around you instantly knew where you were. A hydra testing room. "No" you whisper with tears building up in your eyes. "No! Please no!" You scream. A man walks in. Thomas ( Thomas was the man who raped you) "oh maya I knew I would see you again" he says to you. "Please let me go" you sob. " you see that camera " Thomas says grabbing your chin and facing you at the camera. "That camera is casting you live to the compound. Now all your avenger friends can see you suffer" he says letting go of you.

At the compound
"Mr. Stark a live cast is coming in from an unknown source" Friday says. The avengers that were in the kitchen (Bucky Steve Nat and peter) look up at the TV. "Play it" Tony says. The live cast of you crying pops up. Every one jumps up "Peter go see if maya is in her room." Bucky says. Peter runs up and back down " she isn't there" Peter says. "No no no this can't be happening" Bucky says. "Friday any info about the person who is casting this" Steve asks "no files are empty" Friday says. "He better not lay a fucking finger on her or I will shoot him in the head once I find him" Bucky yells breaking a glass cup.

At the hydra testing room
"Please don't hurt me" you cry. "I will do more than hurt you. We will have fun just like last time" he whispers in your ear. You lower your head and son harder. "Let me go home" you stamper. "Oh I'm not letting you go home for a while. Have a goodnight" he says. You sob " why...I just want to go home...why do I have to live like this" you sob.

At the compound
"We have to save her I can't see her like this" Bucky says. "Please tony!" Bucky yells with tears running down his face. " we are trying!! " Steve says. "We can't find any information" Peter says with his laptop. "Nothing here either" Tony says. " Fuck! " Bucky yells punching a hole in the wall.

At the hydra testing room
The next morning you woke up and you were still tied down. Thomas walks in and sets something on the table. He walks over to you and touches your hair "Hey beautiful" he says kissing your neck " don't touch me" you say. "Oh wow you are more feisty than last time" he says. " stop it right now! " You yell. "Why" he says slowly removing your shirt. " Please stop" you say. He gets close to you his face inches away from yours. "Don't you dare kiss me" you say. He scoffs and kisses you you head butt his nose hard. He backs away whipping blood from his nose. "You bad girl." He says grabbing something from the table. A knife. He stabs you in the side. You let out a scream. He pulls the knife out.

At the compound
"No!" Bucky yells watching get you just get stabbed . He runs out and gets on his motorcycle. "Your not gonna find her!" Nat yells " i have to try " Bucky says.

At the hydra testing room
You sob. The pain in your side was almost I
Unbearable. "Bad girls get punished" Thomas says. Ripping your shirt off. " stop please don't touch me" you cry. Thomas kisses down your neck. "Your mine now no one is going to find you" he says. You try to free your hands but you couldn't. He stops kissing you "I will wait for this" he says. He flips a switch and the chair wires on. He pushes a button and the chair heats up the metal gets really hot and you feel your skin start to burn. You let out a scream "stop please stop!" You scream . He turns it off "maybe now you will behave" he says right before he kisses you a loud crash was heard from the corner of the room you hear a gun shot and Thomas falls down next to you with a bullet hole right between his eyes. "Please don't hurt me" you sob. "I'm not gonna hurt you" a warm voice says. You look up to see Bucky. He unties you and you collapse in his arms. "I want to go home" you sob. He kisses your head. "I'm so sorry we couldn't come earlier. " he says. He pick a you up bridal style and walks out. You sob in his chest as your body ached. "You will be ok" he says.

You wake up and you had a bandage wrapped around your stomach from where Thomas stabbed you. You looked around the room it was buckys. Bucky was asleep in a chair next to you. You roll on your side letting out a groan. Bucky opens his eyes slowly. He looks at you "Hey" he says in a soft voice. He leans forward so that he was closer to you "how are you feeling" he asks. "I feel sore" you say. Buckys small smile fades "I'm sorry" he says. "Its ok I'm here now" you say. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you" he says. "I love you" you say. Buckys smile returns "I love you too" he says. He climbs in bed with you and pulls you close. "Hey you didn't flinch " he says. You look up at him and plant a kiss on his lips. Buckys words "I love you" echoed in your in your head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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