don't touch him

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All the avengers including you are on a mission and Jack (hydra agent) has to kill peter cause they know killing you or Peter will make Tony an easier target.
"A little help?!" You ask fighting off 6 guys. Steve throws his shield and hits 3 guys you grab your gun off the ground and shoot 2 of the guys in the chest. You try to shoot the  3rd guy but you were out of bullets "Damn it" you say the guy run at you you jump up and kick him in the chest making him fly back and break threw the glass wall making him fall down the 35 story building.

Bucky and Peter were on the floor below you. The floor was glass and you had to get to them. You jump as high as you could and roll yourself up into a ball and you break the glass you land on the guy that was holding a gun at Bucky. "Thanks" he says. You give him a wink. A hydra agent runs at you and punches you in the nose "ow..." You say touching your nose you wipe away the blood and the guy runs at you again you dodge his punches you grab him by the shirt and slam him to the floor making the glass crack.

Some one grabs your shoulder you turn around and twist there arm around and put it behind his back you look at your white jump suit it was stained with the guys blood . "You got blood on my jump suit" you say kicking the guy in the face knocking him out. Bucky was punching some guy and Peter was using his instant kill mode on a couple of guys.

You look around after about 30 minutes no one else "I think we got them all" Nat says. "You forgot one" a guy says. You look behind you Jack had a gun to peters head "I'm sorry but killing him will make Tony an easier target" Jack says you look to Steve he nods. You sneak up behind Jack and pick up one of hydra agents hand guns you grab Jack " I'm sorry the only one getting killed here is you" you say. You pull the trigger Jack falls to the ground Peter gets out of his grip. "Thanks" Peter says. "Tony went home early" Nat says. " ok let's go home " you say "yup let's go" an unfamiliar voice says. You look back a guy had a gun pointing at Bucky and bucky was standing still. "Now your going to tell me were the serum is or winter soldier here will get it" the guy says "don't touch him" you say. You walk towards Bucky "don't take another step if you do I pull the trigger" the man says " do it" you say "mia! What are you doing" Steve says. Bucky looks at you "your scared huh you wouldn't shoot him" you say. You grab the gun from your belt that was behind you. You walk closer "stop" the man says "make me" you say. "Ok" the man says Bucky closes his eyes tightly the man pulls the trigger nothing comes out "aw the gun didn't work how sad" you say you shoot the guy he falls to the ground. Bucky let's out a long exhale. "How did you know there was no bullet" Bucky asks "I didn't" you say. "Mia you scare me sometimes" Sam says. You smile.

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