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All the avengers including you (your an avenger) have to go to war with thanos but the avengers need to make a permanent sacrifice for the soul stone.
"Come on we gotta go help them" you say to clint pulling him up to his feet . Clint shoots arrows at the aliens that were coming towards him. You shoot 3 aliens right inbetween the eyes. Right then thanos grabs Peter and throws him at you Peter hits you hard sending you and him flying back towards a cliff. The words "permanent sacrifice" echoed in your head . You help Peter up "we have to make a permanent sacrifice so we could get the last stone" you say sadly. You look over the cliff "no!" Peter says pushing you back " Peter we have to get the last stone" you cry "let it be me" Peter says Peter takes a step to the edge of the cliff "no Peter it's not going to be you!" You say pushing him back and running to the edge . Peter grabs you and flips you over and you land on the ground hard you get up Immediately and grab peters shoulder and slam him hard to the ground. and jump over the side but Peter shoots a web at your arm and pulls you back over the side and he jumps over but you grab his hand "let me go" Peter says "no I'm not. your not sacrificing yourself for that stone" you say with tears running down your cheek. "Nikki let me go" Peter says. " no I cant" you cry. "Nikki im sorry let me go" Peter says. " I can't Peter i can't let you go. I cant" you say "I'm sorry " Peter says. He grabs a sharp rock and stabs your hand you let out a scream making you let go of Peter "no!" You say. You roll on your back and sob. " peters gone" you say. you walk back to the team and wipe your tears away. "We have all the stones except the soul stone" Tony say . The soul stone suddenly appears in tonys hand. He looks up "is everyone here?" He says. You keep your head down trying not to cry " were is peter! " Tony says. You look at him with teary eyes. "Nikki were is he!" Tony says walking over to you "nikki answer me! Were is peter!" Tony says grabbing you. The avengers were looking at you . You break and you start sobbing "he...He is gone" you cry. Tony let's go of you. "No" Tony whispers. "No!" He yells throwing the stone on the ground. You fall to your knees and bucky walks over to you and hugs you tightly . "I tried to stop him but I couldn't" you cry " we know it's fine" Bucky says. You break away from his embrace "no it's not fine! He shouldn't have to do that! It should of been me that fell off the cliff!" You sob. " Nikki" Nat says. "I want to go home" you say walking away. You stumble into the jet and sit down. You cover your mouth so your sobs don't seem loud. The avengers come in slowly Thor and petro and Tony were sobbing uncontrollably. And the rest were crying silently. You look next to you at the seat Peter was supposed to sit in Tony sits in his seat and buries his face in his hands.

Once you get home you run upstairs and look in the mirror you were covered in blood and dirt. "It was supposed to be me" you whisper. You get undressed and into new clothes and you walk downstairs. Everyone was in the kitchen except tony. You go to make your self a cup of coffee but you drop the box of creamers "Damn it" you say. You pick it up and walk to grab the milk and pour it in a mug. You turn and grab the instant coffee and you accidentally knock over your milk "fuck" you say. "Nikki are you ok?" Vision asks " I'm fine" you say in a harsh tone. You you go to put your mug in the microwave you slam the microwave door and try to press the button but nothing happens you try again still nothing you get frustrated "Damn it! That's it! I'm done!" You yell walking out of the kitchen .

The next morning you get up and go down for breakfast. And Peter was on your mind he would always be the one to get you up in the morning. You open the cabinet and grab a poptart "hey Peter do you want a....oh yea" you say putting the second poptart back. "Nikki come here" Steve says. You walk over to him teary eyed. He hugs you tightly "we all miss him" he says. "I just miss him so much" you sob .

(I'm sorry I didn't know were this story was going)

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