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The avengers spend a day at the pool
You get into your black and white swim suit. And sit on one of the chairs in front of the pool. Petro and bucky walk out in their shorts. You were thinking of a way to get petro back for pranking you last week. You look around and spot some water guns. You fill them with ice cold water. Petro was sitting in one of the lawn chairs right next to peter. You sneak up behind petro and shoot him with the water guns. He jumps up "what the hell" he says looking at you. You run and hide behind Bucky using him as a shield "Bucky petro is gonna kill me" you say. "What why" Bucky asks. "I shot him with a water gun" you say. "Come here" petro says. You scream and run away. Obviously he caught you easily. He grabs you and throws you over his shoulder. "Stop petro! Stop" you sequel. Petro walks over to the pool. "No petro I swear to god if you drop me I will punch you in your perfect teeth" you say. "Say your sorry" he says. He pretends to drop you but he doesn't. You scream "I'm sorry" you say. "I don't believe you" he says. "I'm sorry!!" You say again . "Petro put the girl down before she turns into Peter when he goes into instant kill mode" Bucky says. "Yea she is gonna beat your butt maximoff" Steve says. " put her down? " Petro asks. "Yes!" Bucky and Steve yell. " Ok" petro says. He drops you in the water. You swim to the surface. "Oh I'm going to get you!" You say. Petro laughs. You look at Steve and bucky who were sneaking up on petro from behind. They grab him you hop out of the water. and walk over to him "say your sorry" you say. "I'm sorry now please dont kill me" he begs. You grab petro and flip him over your shoulder and into the water. "Oh I'm going to get you back so good!" He says. You giggle and walk away.

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