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The avengers try to get you and petro in the same room together without you two knowing. (You and petro have the same powers)
You were sitting with petro and the other avengers watching a scary movie. The killer just murdered the little girl and her friends are looking for her "I will be right back" the boy says leaving the friends in the movie "Huh no he wont" you chuckle. The boy walks to the kitchen and the killer stabs him. "Scared yet mia?" Tony asks " pff no" you say. "You will be" Tony mumbles "what was that?" You ask. " Nothing" Tony says.

After the movie everyone goes to bed you go to your room and go to the bathroom you look in the mirror and then look at the sink to get your tooth brush. You put your toothbrush in your mouth and look at the mirror again a dark figure was behind you you turn around quickly ready to punch someone. But nothing was there you brushed it off and go to bed. Before you went to bed you had a feeling someone was watching you. You sit up and see the dark figure again at the foot of your bed you jump and turn on your lamp and look back but nothing was there. "How tired am i" you say laying back down.

After a while you have the same weird feeling again you get up and look at your clock 3:57. You get up and turn on your light and you go to get some sleeping pills in your bathroom you look in the mirror and the dark figure was sitting at your desk. You scream and dash out of your room and run down the hall you bump into someone you scream and fall to the ground "Hey are you ok what's going on" petro asks you jump up and get behind petro "there was something in my room I saw it like 5 times" you say. "Hey it's ok I'm right here" petro says. "Please don't leave me. Can you stay with me till morning please" you say trembling. "Yea of course" petro says. Petro holds you close while you walk to your room. You get under the covers and petro hugs you tightly "Thank you" you say "your welcome" petro says kissing your forehead.

In the morning while you and petro was still sleeping the avengers were in the kitchen. "You scared the living shit out of her loki!" Nat says " i told you we would get them in the same room together " Loki says. "I even got the security footage of it" Tony says chuckling "she is going to be the fuck out of you too" Bucky says "laungage" Steve says.

You wake up to petro sleeping peacefully next to you. You smile and petro wakes up. "Hey beautiful" he says " hey" you say running your hands threw his hair. You and petro go downstairs and into the kitchen. Loki and Tony were giggling "what?" Petro asks. "Loki was the figure in your room last night" wanda says. "What! LOKI DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW SCARED I WAS!" you yell " YOUR GOING TO REGRET THAT" petro says "your going to have to catch me first" Loki says. " me and petro are faster than bullets" you say "Yea but you guys always end up getting shot" Loki says. Petro looks to you. You look at him and nod within two seconds you had Loki tied to a chair. You dash up stairs and grab loki's favorite cape and your pink dye and you dash back downstairs. "Say sorry" you say "no" Loki says. You show him his cape and your pink dye "you wouldnt." Loki says you squirt some of the dye out but not making it touch the cape "ok! Ok! I'm sorry" Loki screams. "Thank you" petro says untying loki. "Who else was involved?" Petro asks. Tony gets up and runs out of the kitchen . You and petro giggle and petro pulls you close. "I love you" he says "I love you too" you say. "Awww" wanda and Steve say "disgusting" Nat says.

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