Chapter 29. How I met your mother part 1

Start from the beginning

A crow came threw the window, and was holding a letter. He thanked it and gave it some seeds. He opened the letter.

"During the party, we will be seeing what our future will be, and how our kids are doing" Hades read aloud.

(AN: Hades 2 kids, Hazel and Nico?, Aren't born, only Mikey will be his kid)

"My future huh?" Hades said.

20 minutes left.

Hades started to walk down to his office, and turned on the speaker.

"Good evening everyone, I will be leaving for the night, if you have any problems, write it out and send someone to my office to leave it there. NO ONE SHALL ENTER MY OFFICE!" Hades spoke to the Nyths in the building.

'Anyone that enters my office without my permission, will face me' Hades thought to himself while grinning.

Hades walked into the party, catching his brothers attention.

"Hades! You made it!" They shouted.

"Yeah I did" Hades replied.

"Hey Hades~ I'm surprise you made it" Aphrodite said, while hugging his arm.

"Hello Aphrodite, good to see you" Hades said while yanking her off his arm.

Hades walked over to Poseidon and Zeus.

"What am I suppose to do here?" Hades asked.

"Well brother I wanted to know if you thought about having kids" Poseidon asked, giving him a sly look.

"What kind of question is that? Anyways, I would like a child, with someone I actually love, not some random girl" Hades said, giving his bothers a look.

"Well that's no fun" Zeus crossed his arms.

"Maybe to you, you man hooker" Hades said while punching his arm.

"Hey I'm not a hooker" Zeus said.

"Well you sleep with every girl you get your hands on, should I just call you a working guy?" Hades asked.

"It's time to look at how everyone kids are doing!" Hecate shouted.

They all gathered around a campfire and a screen showed up.

"Well I don't have kids, so this is all you losers" Hades grumbled and took a sit.

   Hades laughed.
"Really Demeter a fern? Pan you left your child alone for years? Aphrodite you 'Lady of the evening', you try to sleep with minors? And Poseidon how does your son not even know you? God you all are such losers!" Hades wheezed and glared at everyone, now that he thought about it Persephone is the only one without kids yet.

"Now it's time for the future readings" Hecate said.

Hades rise his hand.

"I want to go first" Hades spoke.

She nodded and touched his head. He flinched.

Her hand started to glow a blue and orange mixed. She moved her hand swiftly to the side, a screen showed up, projecting from her hand.

"With in the year you'll become  father, with a woman you don't love. She'll drugged you. Your child will be a warrior, a sweet, helpful, playful boy. Your baby will be taken away from you, and sent to live with others on earth. They will abused him, 3 boys will. You will see him again, and take him here, confusion will happen, between him and the gods in this room." Hecate stated, while having glowing eyes.

"I'll be a dad?" Hades said shocked, glancing at everyone he just called losers for being bad parents.

"Who's going to be the mom!?" Persephone yelled out from the back.

"Honey why do you want to know?" Demeter said.

"You can't just force yourself on someone!" She yelled again, but seemed to say something under her breath.

"I'm going to be a dad" Hades said again.

"Hades are you okay?" Aphrodite said 'Worriedly' 

"I'm going to be a dad" Hades yelled happily, the information just hit him. He jumped up and started to run around. Smiling and laughing.

He jumped up, and started to float.

"Haha!" Hades laughed while doing flips in the air.

"Wow! You're happy!" Zeus said while smiling.

While everyone was watching Hades, Aphrodite told Zeus she was going to go freshen up. But the drinks were next to the restrooms. She brought a little pill, it'll make you loopy, and it's like getting drunk. She lifted a tray, with cups that were filled with wine. She sat the tray on the counter a took one cup and made a dent near the bottom. 

Then dropped the pill in the cup.

"This one will be Hades drink" She mumbled.

She got into all the gods pants, but not Hades. This was her chance to get with him. She smirked to herself. She strutted out of the bathroom, and grabbed the tray.

"I brought everyone wine~!" She sang.

She handed 4 cups to Dionysus, and a few to everyone else. 

"Hades! Have some wine" Aphrodite said while handing him the cup.

"Oh I don't know, I rather not get drunk" He said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh don't be silly! I heard from Zeus, this is the last party you'll come to this year right? Why not have at least one drink?" She said while giving him the drink.

"Alright, alright, but only one" He said.

He took a sip. 

"This is actually pretty good" He said.

She took a sip of mine, and nodded.

Finally Hades drunk enough. Zeus and Poseidon were also drunk. Aphrodite walked towards them.

"Hey Zeus, Hades seems a bit to drunk, would it be okay if I take him home" Aphrodite said while hugging his arm.

"Of course, Ap...hrod...ite" Zeus slurred and hiccup.

She made her way over towards Hades.

"Oh Hades~" She said.

"What?" He said while spinning around towards her, he almost tripped, but caught himself.

"Zeus said, that I can drive you home, but you seem a bit too out of it, but my place is closer, so why not we head to mine~" She said while putting her hand on his chest.

"Maybe...that's a good idea? I need to Yeah sober" He slurred.

She slung his arm around her shoulders. They started to walked but to her car, she sat him in the back seat. She drove to her place which was only 30 minutes away. 

Her beautiful light pink mansion came into view. And was about to have the king of the dead in its halls. Aphrodite brought him up to her room and sat him on the bed. 

(The thing happen)

Aphrodite threw on her robe and walked down the stairs.

"Oh Misty!" She sang.

A dark pink Nyth, walk towards her.

"Yes Aphrodite?" She asked.

"Can you please take...."

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