Chapter 54. I'm the worst

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  Leo was in the kitchen staring at Mikeys cook book he found on top of the fridge stuffed under what ever was up there. He flipped through the pages, each chapter was based on the family's favorites and what they can and can't have. Leo smiled at the detailed notes and pictures that were on his page. He closed the book and tucked it under his arm. He left the kitchen and walked to Mikeys room. Leo, Raph, Donnie and Splinter went in sometimes but never stayed for long. At least that's what they thought. Leo took a breath and walked into the plain room. The decorations and the feeling of Mikey was gone. Leo glanced around the room and decided to try and find anything that could help him bring Mikey back.

He started at the desk, he opened the drawers and moved around the pencils and notebooks. He picked up the notebooks and looked through them. Most of them were filled with Mikeys fan made comics or random ideas to invent things he never showed Donnie. And random notes. Leo went to look under the bed, pizza boxes, candy wrappers, human stuff, sport balls, and magazines were shoved under there. Leo got off the floor and sat on Mikeys bed, he rubbed his face with his hand and yawned. He looked around the room from the bed and teared up. He laid down on the bed and decided to sleep away the guilt he felt.

Hours seemed to pass for Leo until the door slammed opened. A fuming Raph was there.

"Leo! What are you doing in here!?" Raph yelled and rolled Leo over and grabbed Leo by his shell, yelling in his face.

Leo slowly opened his eyes, just waking up and confused.

Raph looked at the opened Notebooks, the cook book Leo was holding and the blanket wrapped around Leo.

"You have to let him go Leo! He's not coming back here, get it through your skull he's never coming back!" Raph yelled, throwing Leo on the floor.

Fully awake now, Leo jumped up and slammed his hands against Raphs shell and which pushed him back.

"You don't know that! Any day now he'll come running back home! He'll come back if it's the last thing I ever achieved!" Leo yelled back, leaving the room and slammed the door. He stomped to the living room and picked up Mikeys old controllers from when they were little.

Raph yelled out in frustration and ripped opened the door and ran at Leo. Tackling him, he grabbed the controller and the cook book and ran to the Dojo.

"Hey! Give those back now!" Leo yelled and chased Raph into the Dojo.

"No! If you come closer I will break this controller!" Raph threatened.

"You wouldn't" Leo said.

Raph swallowed hard, he squeezed the controller and Leo could he hear it breaking under the pressure.

"No! That's the last thing I have of little Mikey!" Leo screeched as he ran at Raph, punching him directly in the face.

"Leo please! You need help, Mikey wouldn't like this! He doesn't like us, he doesn't accept us anymore! You have to listen to Mikey and accept our consequences!" Raph pleaded.

"I...I can't let go of him Raph! He's my little brother-" Leo started.

"So am I! Do I not matter to you at all!?" Raph cried as he fell to his knees.

Leo's eyes widen. They both stopped what they were doing when they heard someone run in.

April stood in the doorway, she runs over and grabbed Leo's shoulders, turning him around.

"Leo, listen to me. Mikey isn't coming back but I'm still here for you. I won't leave" April said, and tried to hug him.

"Get off me April. You don't care" Leo said and he shoved her off.

She glanced at Raph and gave him her best sad eyes. He just glared and stood up.

"Leave April. This isn't the best time for you to be annoying" Raph said.

April started to ugly cry, she fell to her knees.

"You guys need my help! I went through so much pain and now I can help you. I feel the same way you guys do, maybe even more. I do care for Mikey! I feel even more pain than you guys!" April screamed as she tried to get the guys to comfort her.

"No, you don't! You never liked Mikey! You try to make things all about you! I wished we never saved you that day, get out of here and never come by uninvited ever again!" Leo yelled at her. She begged him to calm down but Leo wasn't having it.

She eventually gave up and left the sewers.

Leo turned around and looked at Raph. They both were crying and in that moment all Leo could see was his little brother sobbing over a nightmare. Leo squinted and rubbed his eyes, he ran at Raph and hugged him.

"I'm the worst big brother ever" Leo whispered as he squeezed Raph tight.

Raph paused for a second and hugged him back.

"Yeah.. you really are" Raph said.

"Loosing Mikey was like loosing my last chance to be better for you and Donnie. And I screwed that up in the worst way possible..." Leo sobbed quietly.

"I just want to start over with you three".

"It was hard for me to. I was never nice to him. But hey I guess you're not so fearless after all" Raph chuckled.

Leo smiled and patted Raphs head.

They heard some squawking in the living room and walked out to see a bird with a letter.

"That's weird" Leo sniffed and wiped his nose on his arm. He grabbed the letter and ripped it open.

"You're invited to Mount Olympus to see Michelangelo Hamato Pluto ceremony to be an official God. Please come on: XXXX
At 4:40pm"

Leo read aloud and smiled.

"Looks like we still have a chance to get our brother to like us again" Raph grinned.

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