Chapter 52. The Meeting

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As Hades was walking up the stairs to his brother huge home he was preparing himself for his brothers idiotic self. He stood in front of the large doors and raised his hand and made a loud knock. He stood there for a bit. But then the doors swung opened and there stood Zeus and Poseidon.

"Brother!" Zeus said and he went to hug Hades.

Hades let him then pushed him off.
"Zeus please call everyone here to start this meeting as soon as possible" Hades ordered.

"Fine" Zeus said as he pulled out his phone and made a mass text.

"There, everyone has been summon" Zeus said.

Zeus led the two brothers to the meeting hall and all the doors behind the chairs glowed to their respective colors. Aphrodite walked through her pink light, Demeter through a green one and Hypno through a blue light. And so on before everyone was seated waiting for the brothers to sit down.

Zeus was sitting at the head of the table and Hades was on his right as Poseidon was on his left.

Zeus stood up. "Good day everyone! This meeting is being passed on to Hades please listen to him" Zeus announced and then sat back down.

Hades cleared his throat and started to talk.

"It's good to see you all again. I have called this meeting to talk about my son Mikey to become a new god here".

Slight whispering could be heared found the table. Persephone looked shocked and did a small glare to Aphrodite.

"He is becoming of age to use his powers and will be a great addition with our guidance! He can become very powerful in the right area and the right training. Just like everyone here." Hades continue.

"Isn't your son a turtle? Why should we have a turtle represent us for the new gods?" Apollo asked.

"Just because he is a turtle doesn't mean anything. Have you even seen the weird creatures that have come out of any of us." Hades gestured around.

"Persephone, Honey don't you agree with me?" Hades asked, seeing her become unhappy.

"Mikey isn't my son. I don't have a opinion but I do know that he wasn't made from love rather then lies and greed" Persephone said, pointing to Aphrodite for the Greed part. Hades made a weird look, and glance at his brothers.

"Hey! We made up and will be great parents to OUR son." Aphrodite stood up.

"Oh yeah? If Mikey never found out that you Abandoned him and made him leave because he is a turtle he wouldn't be here!" Persephone yelled.

"He forgave me! Beside your just a spring god you will never have any idea what it would be like!" Aphrodite yelled back.

Hades rubbed his face and sighed in annoyance.

"Ladies! Sit down!" Hades yelled out.

Persephone huffed and sat down and Aphrodite took her seat and crossed her arms.

"Persephone. Aphrodite. That was extremely unprofessional and not the time to bring it up." Hades said.

"Now everyone who thinks Mikey should be invited to be an official God please rise your hand" Zeus Order.

Everyone besides Persephone and Apollo raised their hand but slowly gave in.

"Great! Now let's plan the ceremony" Hades smiled.

"How about the ceremony be a week from now so he can meet everyone and see the place" Demeter Suggested.

"Good idea" Hades said as he wrote it down.

"I think we should invite his mortal friends" Hades said.

"But why? This should just be the gods" Apollo complain.

"Mikey is a 16 year turtle with friends his whole life. They should be able to celebrate" Hades said.

"I think it will be a blast and a new addition for our parties" Zeus said.

Apollo rolled his eyes.

"So we need a place for the ceremony, how about the old building and we can dress it up and make it great and then we can come back her and through a party!" Hermes said.

Hades wrote it down quickly.

Hours passed and they planned out every little detail and made a long list. They set up a time, place, the activities, the food and clothes.
Hades did a smile and thanked everyone for coming and walked over the Persephone.

"Would you like to go home now?" Hades asked.

"Yes" Persephone said and they walked over to the Carriage and got in.

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