Chapter 7. Joy

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Swifts Master, told him and his brothers that they had to go to their world for training. Swift saw against it, and Mikey was upset as well but hid it from his brothers.

It's been 9 years without Mikey talking to Swift.

They are still dating, they're sometimes able to send pictures and videos when they have a really strong signal from one of their worlds.

Now to the present time, Mikey is 16 while his brothers were also 16

Mikey reflected on 9 years without seeing his boyfriend in person.

"I miss him so much" Mikey said quietly.

"Mikey time for patrol!" He heard Leo yell.

He wasn't as happy as he used to be, yet his brothers still hadn't notice. Mikey wonder if they even cared about him.

He grabbed his weapons and hurried out to the exit.

"Heads up the foot clan and dog pound are here" Mikey heard Leo yell from in front of him.

They jumped down the building, and started the fight the villains. Until Mikey saw Leo getting corner by a few foot soldiers and Dog Pound. He ran over to finished off some of the foot soldiers, Dog pound was about to attack but Mikey jumped on Dog Pounds shoulders wrapping his legs around his neck and Mikeys hands over his eyes.

"Stupid turtle!" Dog pound yelled.

Dog pound ripped Mikey off of him and threw Mikey in a nearby wall.
Mikey yelled out in pain.

Mikey stood up, dizzy but ran into Raph.

"Watch it shell for brains!" Raph yelled.

"Sorry" Mikey muttered out.

Mikey was running away from Dog pound as he was getting closer, Mikey looked to make sure no one was near thus time and threw his nun-chucks with the blade out backwards.

"OW! MIKEY be careful!!!" A voice said.

"Donnie I'm so-" He tried to say.

"Just shut up and fight!" Donnie told him, dodging a attack.

Raph and Leo were against a wall bleeding. Donnie was struggling to stand. Mikey was being surrounded by foot soldiers.

"Weak turtle! You'll never be strong!" Dog pound yelled.

Mikey was tired and mad now.

"Don't You Think, THAT I KNOW THAT ALREADY!" Mikey yelled out.

His eyes went white and he clutched his nun-chucks with a glare. His aura strengthen and little sparks flew from his skin.

Mikey ran at Dog pound and kicked his stomach, which made Dog Pound slid back, he ran back and managed to gran Mikey by the throat and quickly slammed him into the ground with a loud smack.

But Mikey manged to stab Dog Pound in the arm. Which made him let go of Mikeys throat.

Mikey arms, face, legs, were all bloody. Once Dog pound called off the soldiers and ran away Mikey limped towards Raph, putting him on Mikeys left shoulder and then did the same thing to Leo but on his right. But Mikey struggled to hold Donnie and the others all the way back go the lair.

Once he made it back to the lair, Master Splinter walked out of the dojo and once he saws sons hurt he rushes over.

"Michelangelo! What happen to you and your brothers?!" Master splinter exclaimed while he grabbed Leo and Raph and Mikey held Donnie. The two of them made their way to the medic table, Mikey fixed his own wounds and helped out Splinter with the others.

Hours later the boys were groaning and waking up.

"The shell happen to my head?" Raph groaned while rubbing his head.

"I think we passed out from the attack and Mikey brought us back?" Leo spoke whiling holding his head.

Mikey walked into the room, glad to see his brothers awake.

"Hey guys how ya feeling?" He asked.

"How are we? Mikey you're cover in bandages!" Donnie said worriedly.

"I feel fine" Mikey said calmly, stretching his arms to show him.

"Mikey" Leo coldly.

"What's up" Mikey responded.

"What were you thinking when you jumped on dog pound like that!?" He suddenly yelled.

"I was helping you?" Mikey responded, confused.

"That was a stupid idea, I expected it though, since you already did it!" Raph yelled with Leo.

"But I saved you guys!" Mikey yelled back putting his arms above his head in defense.

"You could've killed us!" Raph yelled.

"I SAVED you guys from being killed, and this is how you react! By yelling at me?!" Mikey Finished his sentence and put his arms back down and crossed them.

"Whatever you guys are so mean to me" Mikey mumbled looking to the side.

Mikey didn't want to hear them anymore and went to his room and slammed the door.

When his brother's went back to sleep Mikey put up a punching bag in his room. He started to kick and punch it.

"Please come back Blue" He said.

Until his Phone ding with a text.

Swift: Mikey

Swift: Mike

Swift: Jelly bean

Swift: Mikkkeeeeyyyyy

Mikey: I was training sorry

Swift: I'm back on earth!

Mikey: Really!?

Swift: YES!

Mikey: Can we meet up

Swift: yeah!

Mikey: and can we run away together please!

Swift: You finally want to!? Really! Of course! I'll come get you next week when everything is ready.

Mikey: thanks Blue

Swift: You finally stood up to your brothers?

Mikey: *Explains what happen today even the slight power part*

Swift: When I see your brothers I'll tear them a part!

Mikey: Can we meet now?

Swift: Sure!

Mikey: let me "ask" first.

Mikey put his phone in his she'll and was so excited he was shaking.

He ran into the dojo, and saw that his brothers were there awake but he didn't care right now.

"Master! Can I please go to the surface? I want to go get pizza!" Mikey asked.

"I guess you can just be careful" Master responded.

Mikey sprinted to the surface he texted Swift to meet him on the pizza building.

Two Ninjas but one spark (Mikey X Swift)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن