Chapters 47. Almost there

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Donnie sat in the Lab while thinking to himself.

'I can't believe Leo would do that to us, does he know how much pain we're all in because that'

Donnie was angry but he already let out his emotions towards Leo. How could Leo be sorry for what he did. He basically forced Swift and Donnie to Cheat on Mikey. It destroyed the three of them.

Donnie grabbed the cure for Swift and poured it in a clean needle. He walked other to Swift and stuck the it in his arm. Donnie pushed the top so the cure would go into him. Donnie didn't say a word to Swift and looked at Mikey. Mikey looked back at Donnie and just stared. Donnie gave a small smile, but he just frown a bit.

Mikey seemed to let Swift cling to him.
"Time to go! Time to go!" The alarm rang.

They all stood up, Mikey seemed to be healing up quick, so he had a slight limp while trying to walk. They went into the living room and Hades seemed to be glaring at Swift and Donnie, but didn't say any thing. He opened a portal and waved his hand for the boys to follow. Hades then grabbed Mikey and carried him like a baby. Swift looked down in shame.

"Everyone inside the carriage, Mikey will be sitting next to me." Hades stated.

"Dad, I would like Donnie to sit next to me...." Mikey said softly.

Hades looked at Mikey and soften his gaze.

Hades sat in the front with Swift, and Donnie sat next to Mikey.
"Hades, sir, could me and Mikey talk in private for a minute?" Donnie questioned.

Hades hought for a moment looking between both of them and nodded. He closed the portal and pulled up a private door wall thing.

"Mikey please understand I didn't mean to hurt you-" before Donnie could finished Mikey slapped him.

Donnie was shocked but turned his head to look back at Mikey. He was crying.

"I always....feel like I cry a lot when I don't....I'm always hurt by one thing or another....but this!? Taking a drink from Leo and didn't even think about what was in it? I know you shouldn't have to think about it but still! It hurts to know that you two are getting close while I feel like I'm getting torn away from you both. I never want to see you both alone Don, brother please don't do this to me anymore.." Mikey said while crying in between words.

Donnie had hurt Mikey. He haply little brother is now crying because of him.

Mikey looked up at Donnie still cleaning up his endless tears.

"I know it wasn't your fault but...." Mikey sniffled.

Donnie hugged Mikey letting him cry.

"I'm sorry...." Donnie said while holding him.

"But you should talk to guys are soul mates and he is suffering as well." Donnie said quietly.

Mikey nodded and they opened the door.

"Swift you should talk to him now" Donnie spoke.

Swift got up quickly and sat down next to Mikey.
They pulled up the door so Hades and Donnke couldn't hear them.

Mikey was sitting there trying to wipe his tears away.

"Mikey?" Swift asked.

"I know it wasn't your fault but it still hurts, I won't cry or whine anymore. I don't have the strength for that. I can't be mad at you since I had to date that girl in the kraang world" Mikey said while not making eye contact with Swift.

"Mikey, I'm cured now, I don't have any feelings for Donnie or anyone else. Please if you have to be mad at something or someone, be mad at Leo, he gave us the drug" Swift said while reaching for Mikeys hand to hold.

Mikey flinched a bit, but let Swift hold his hand.

"I am mad at Leo, Swift. But we are almost adults. We been through hell, why can't we be normal teenagers? We can't because we are mutant turtles and people are scared of us." Mikey spoke while squeezing Swifts hand.

Mikey went through so much more pain then Swift, even at a young age.

"What did you go through when I was away?" Mikey asked.

Swift looked at Mikey and moved closer to him.

"When you left, the others and I didn't know what to do. So we stay at the house trying to find a way to a portal or who has one. Then we remember that your...brothers had one. So we left to their place, we explain to them what happen, and there was some yelling." Swift stopped for a second to gather his thoughts.

"After Donnie was working on the portal, and I went in there to get answers because he wasn't telling us anything. He explain why he was going slow, because you weren't there for a weird thought process. We talk about you for hours Then just a few days before we went in the portal to get you, Leo happen. He gave us what looked like soda, and then he left. We drank it, and it started. I tried so hard to stop, I almost set myself on fire to ease the pain." Swift had to stop when Mikey grabbed his face and kissed him.

"I know so many people who would threaten your life my dear, I won't have the same trust for you as before, but I forgive you somewhat for now. But just know I will give you hell for awhile until I get bored and be like myself again, kay?" Mikey told him while grabbing Swift face and squeezing hard, at the point where Swift thought he was about to break his jaw.

Swifr nodded and Mikey let go. The wall that divided them went down, and Donnie was asking Hades about the god world or whatever it was called.

After that talk with the two of them Mikey started to feel better.

"Mount Olympus is a place in the clouds, which is placed in Greece. The air pressure is a bit thinner then down here but since you guys are mutations and Mikey is a God, so you all should be fine once we arrived. The place is almost always changing to see what needs to be changed but keeps it's shape." Hades was saying in a confusing way.

A phone then started to ring, and Hades answered it.

"Hello Zeus....and Poseidon. Yes we're almost there, some of Mikey's acquaintance are tagging along as well, and we need to see Apollo and Asclepuis .....Mikey had some problems so he needs the healing. Alright see you in an hour or so." Hades spoke.

Two Ninjas but one spark (Mikey X Swift)Where stories live. Discover now